•Bookmarks. When you add a bookmark to a book, a
•Highlights. When you highlight text, it appears with a colored background.
•Notes. When you attach a note to text, you enter the text in a note pad that appears on top of the book page. A Note icon displays in the left margin. To show or hide the note, tap the icon.
•Drawings. When you add a drawing, a Drawing icon appears in the bottom- left corner of the page and drawing tools appear across the bottom of the page. Draw by dragging your stylus.
NOTE: To see a list of a book’s annotations, including bookmarks, highlights, text notes, and drawings, tap Annotations Index on the book’s cover page. You can tap an entry in the list to go to the annotated page.
Removing a Book
When you finish reading a book, you can delete it to conserve space on your V35. If a copy of the book is stored on your PC, you can download it again at any time.
To remove a book from your V35, press and hold the title in the Library list, and then tap Delete on the
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