Using RTSP Players
To view the
Quick Time Player
Real Player
VLC media player
mpegable Player
1� Launch the RTSP player�
2� Choose File > Open URL� A URL dialog box will prompt�
3� The address format is rtsp://<ip address>:<rtsp port>/<RTSP streaming access name for stream1 or stream2>
As most ISPs and players only allow RTSP streaming through port number 554, please set the RTSP port to 554� For more information, please refer to RTSP Streaming on page 62�
For example:
4.The live video will be displayed in your player. For more information on how to configure the
RTSP access name, please refer to RTSP Streaming on page 62 for details�
Video 16:38:01 2011/03/25
User's Manual - 21