7. Available parameters on the server
Valid values:
| string[<n>] | Text strings shorter than „n‟ characters. The characters “,‟, <,>,& are invalid. |
| string[n~m] | Text strings longer than `n‟ characters and shorter than `m‟ characters. The |
| characters “,‟, <,>,& are invalid. |
| password[<n>] | The same as string but displays „*‟ instead. |
| integer | Any number between |
| positive integer | Any number between 0 and (232 – 1). |
| <m> ~ <n> | Any number between „m‟ and „n‟. |
| domain name[<n>] | A string limited to a domain name shorter than „n‟ characters (eg. |
| |
| email address [<n>] | A string limited to an email address shorter than „n‟ characters (eg. |
| |
| ip address | A string limited to an IP address (eg. |
| mac address | A string limited to contain a MAC address without hyphens or colons. |
| boolean | A boolean value of 1 or 0 represents [Yes or No], [True or False], [Enable or |
| Disable]. |
| <value1>, | Enumeration. Only given values are valid. |
| <value2>, |
| <value3>, |
| … |
| blank | A blank string. |
| everything inside <> | A description |
| integer primary key | SQLite data type. A |
| integer by the server. |
| text | SQLite data type. The value is a text string, stored using the database |
| encoding |
| coordinate | x, y coordinate (eg. 0,0) |
| window size | window width and height (eg. 800x600) |
NOTE: The camera should not be restarted when parameters are changed.
User's Manual - 119