| 6: LOG_INFO |
| 7: LOG_DEBUG |
setparamlevel | 0~2 | 0 | 6/6 | Show log of parameter |
| setting. |
| 0: disable |
| 1: Show log of parameter |
| setting set from external. |
| 2. Show log of parameter |
| setting set from external and |
| internal. |
7.23 SNMP
Group: snmp (capability.snmp > 0)
| (get/set) |
| |
| v2 | 0~1 | 0 | 6/6 |
| SNMP v2 enabled. 0 for disable, 1 | |
| for enable |
| |
| v3 | 0~1 | 0 | 6/6 |
| SNMP v3 enabled. 0 for disable, 1 | |
| for enable |
| |
| secnamerw | string[31] | Private | 6/6 |
| Read/write security name | |
| |
| secnamero | string[31] | Public | 6/6 |
| Read only security name | |
| |
| authpwrw | string[8~128] | <blank> | 6/6 |
| Read/write authentication | |
| password |
| |
| authpwro | string[8~128] | <blank> | 6/6 |
| Read only authentication | |
| password |
| |
| authtyperw | MD5,SHA | MD5 | 6/6 |
| Read/write authentication type | |
| |
| authtypero | MD5,SHA | MD5 | 6/6 |
| Read only authentication type | |
| |
| encryptpwrw | string[8~128] | <blank> | 6/6 |
| Read/write passwrd | |
| |
| encryptpwro | string[8~128] | <blank> | 6/6 |
| Read only password | |
| |
| encrypttyperw | DES | DES | 6/6 |
| Read/write encryption type | |
| |
| encrypttypero | DES | DES | 6/6 |
| Read only encryption type | |
| |
| rwcommunity | string[31] | Private | 6/6 |
| Read/write community | |
| |
| rocommunity | string[31] | Public | 6/6 |
| Read only community | |
| |
| syslocation | 0~128 | <blank> | 6/6 |
| System location | |
| |
| syscontact | 0~128 | <blank> | 6/6 |
| System contact | |
User's Manual - 155