WTI CMS-16; Console Management Switch -- User's Guide
Figure 4.2: CMS Application Example (Not to Scale)
The example in Figure 4.2 shows one of many possible installation configurations for the CMS. In this example, ports have been configured as follows:
●Network Port: The Network Port allows telnet access by remote Supervisors and/or Users. When a telnet connection is established, the CMS will prompt the caller to enter a password. If the Supervisor Password is entered, the CMS will recognize Supervisor Level Commands; if a Port password is entered, the CMS will only recognize User Level Commands. Supervisors are allowed to adjust port configuration, connect to any port, or review unit status. Users are only permitted to review status and connect to ports that are allowed by their Port password.
●Port 1 (System SetUp Port): This port has been left open in order to permit
●Port 2 (Modem Port): An external modem has been installed at Port 2. This port has also been configured for Modem Mode, which allows definition of a modem reset string, initialization string, and
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