Musical Fi le Playback – Replay Times But ton Function in the Repeat Times Interface
Aut o quit for idli ng for 5 seconds .
4.2.9Replay gap
Note: During repeati ng,the pl ayer will paus e for t his peri od of ti me betweeneach repeat . The i nterval can be 1 to 10seconds . The i nterface is as shown in the Fi g bel ow.
Musi cal File Playback – Replay gap But ton Function in the Repl ay gap Interface
The standard slide bar functi on.
Aut o quit for idli ng for 5 seconds .
4.3Lyri cs Show Interface
Note: When you enter i nt o t he Lyrics Show interface,t he current song continue t o play andt he corres ponding lyrics wil l dis play accordingt o the playi ng progress of the song. When t he playi ng of the song is over, the player will run the subs equent