When you enter t he Repeat function, the “A” i n will
fl as h.
A s hort- press of NEXT wi ll set t he “A” point, and then “ B” will flas h.
A s hort- press of NEXT wi ll set t he “B” point. Then t he s egment bet ween “ A” and “ B” wil l play repeatedl y.
A s hort- press of MEXT/ LAST will cycl e the Repeat funct ion.
Note: ① In the steps above,
② In all the steps above, a s
③ In all the steps above, a s
6.2.4Tempo Rate SettingI nterface
Note: Here, you can set the current playing speed, which wi ll affect bot h WAV and AG8 files .
The i nterface is as shown in the Fi g bel ow.
Recorded File Playback – Tempo Rat e But ton Function in the Tempo Rat e Setting Interface
◆The standard slide bar functi on.
◆Quit for idling for 5 seconds