4.2.3Pl aying Menu Interf ace
Note: This i nterface provi des the user wit h the foll owi ng options:
①Repeat: To s et the ways for playi ng s ongs .
②Equalizer: To set sound effects for the playi ng songs.
③ Tempo rat e: To adj ust t he speed of song playi ng,except for thes ongs i nt he WMA format.
④ Replay: To enter the Repeat interface and start the Repeat function.
⑤ Replay Ti mes: To set the times for repeati ng.
⑥ Replay gap: To s et the i nterval between eachrepeating playi ng.
⑦ Exit : Return to the Pl aying mode. The mus ic is still playi ng.
The i nterface is as shown in the Fi g bel ow.
The Playi ng Menu ofthe Musical File Playback Interface
The enabled position is dis pl ayed i n blue background.
“Equalizer” is the name of the current enabled posi tion.
But ton Function in the Playing Menu Interface
Standard Icon Menu Functions
Aut o quit for idli ng for 5 seconds .
4.2.4Repeat SettingI nterface
Note: Youcan select Repeat Mode for pl ayings ongs i n here. The musi c is still playing.