The i nterface is similar with the one above.
zMOD01.ACT 2004/10/29
z05: 05:17 represents t he ti me remai ned for recording s ound.
The prompt interface for s aving file is as shown in the Fi g bel ow:
Recordi ng – SavingPrompt
But ton Function in the RecordingInt erface
LAST, NEXT, Vol + and
5.3.1VOR Functi on
When t he pl ayer does not sense any val id voice, the systemwill stayat Voice Waiti ng mode. When vali d voice is s ensed, the player will res ume recording.
5.3.2Stop recordi ng when the elect ronic si gnal level is t oo
l ow.
When t he pl ayer wai ts t o record sound,the recordi ng ti me l engt h“ 00:00: 03” will flash.
In t he recording, if the elect ronic s ignal level is tool ow,t he
recordi ng file wi ll be saved,and then the player will return to t he St op i nterface.