t he order of “Year – Month – Date – Hour – Minut e” .

zA long-press of PLAY wil l t urnt he player off.

zA short- press of MODE will confirm and quit.

zA short- press of A- B wi ll enter the recordi ng i nterface and start recordi ng.

The Set ting Procedure

‹ 2003 flashes (2HZ)

‹ Hol d- on of NEXT wi ll i ncrease t he year number st ep by step.

‹ Hol d- on of Last wil l decreaset he year number st ep by step.

‹ A short- press of “ Vol +” will confirm t he year number . Then thes etting itemwill bes witchedt o Month, whose s ett ing met hod is the s ame as t he that of Year.

‹ Keepi ng ont he s hort- press of“ Vol +” will set Date, Hour and Minute i n t urn. Press “ Vol+” once more to fi nis h the s etting.

‹ Press “Vol -” to set Mi nute, Hour, Date, Month and Year i nt urn.

‹ After the change of eachsettingitem is confirmed, the s ystem will be updat ed in ti me .

The Ranges of Each Item of Clock

Year(2003-2010).It is all owed t oexceed this range, however, be s ure t hat t he leap years are correct.

Mont h (1 -12)

Date(1 -31). Each mont h has a different number of days. Hour(0 - 23)

Mi nute(0 - 59)


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X-Micro Tech 400 user manual