1 Overview

X-Mi cro Vi deo MP3 can pl aying MP3/ WMA fi les , digital voice recordi ng,USB Disk st orage and FM radio,the pl ayer als o has t he added ability of playing MTV movi e files (A s peci al

s oftware is requi redt o performnecessary conversi ons.), as well as t he added functi on of viewi ng JPEG pi ct ures.

The common funct ions of the product:

zPlayi ng of mus ical fil es and recorded files storedi n up to 99 subdirect ories of t he same l evel direct ory.

zRecognizi ng of up to 99-recorded fil es in each direct ory.


Delet ingeit her single or all musi cal (or recorded) files in


t he current directory of the player.

zOff Stat us Memori zation: When turned on, the player can return to t he last off-s tatus , i ncludi ng the musi cal file to be played and the recordi ng position.

zRes umi ng playing: The pl ayer can memorize t he positi on where it st ops playi ng t he mus ical fil e i n a directory.

Once thePlay button is pressedaft er turn on t he pl ayer, t he pl ayer will start playing the musi cal file just fromthe poi nt where it st ops l ast ti me.


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X-Micro Tech 400 user manual Overview