It is t he same as thes ubmenu of Mus ical File Pl ayback except t hat it does not have the EQ opti ons.
But ton Function in the Playing Menu Interface
◆Quit for idling for 5 seconds
6.2.2Repeat Setti ng Interf ace
Note: Youcan select Repeat Mode for pl ayings ongs i n here. The musi c is still playi ng.
Interface Di splay
It is t he same as the i nterface when playing mus ic. But ton Function in the Cycl e Setti ng Interface
◆Quit for idling for 5 seconds
List of Cycl e Mode Opt ions:
Normal ,
Repeat One,
Repeat fol der,
Repeat All ,
Random, and
int ro.
6.2.3RepeatI nterface
Note: Youcan perform the repeat function here. The i nterface is as shown in the Fi g bel ow.
Recorded Fi le Playback – Repeat Interface Repeat Operation