6 Voi ce
Realize the playback of *.WAV and *.ACT fi les .It has t he foll owi ng interfaces: Pl aying, Local fol der Selecti on, Delet e, as well as function selecti on and setti ngs i nt erfaces .
6.1Functi ons in the Stop I nterf ace
Note: When you enter i nt o t he Stopi nt erface, the i nformati on about the current playing of recorded s ound will be dis played and user’s operations are want ed.
The i nterface is as shown in the Fi g bel ow.
Recorded Fi le Playback
z00:00: 03 is t he ti me dis play for playing the recorded
s ound.
z01/15 represents the order of current recorded file and t he total number of recorded files i nt he current directory.
zREC01 i s the filename and 2004/ 3/ 15 10: 23 is the date and ti me when the fil ewas created. (They wil l not scroll when t he pl aying of the file st ops.)
But ton Function in the St op Interface
zLong- Press of MODE: To enter i nt ot he mai n menu.
i nterface.