zA s hort- press of A- B will enter t he recording mode and start recordi ng.

zA s hort- press of PLAY will quit the menu.

zSpecial Quit Functi on

Auto quit for i dli ng for 5 seconds. Restore of the enabled posit ion

Each time when you enter t he menu, the player will restore to t he enabled position where you quit las t time.

1.1.1The St andard Sli de Bar

Note: The standard s lide bar offers ani nt erface for s elect ing numbers. In each functi onal modul e interface, the standard sli de bar will be repeatedl y used.

Its format is as s howni n t he Fig below.

Brightness Adjust ment

zThe s lide bl ock can be moved to left or ri ght.

zThe number “6” in the Fi gis t he fi gure that corres ponds t ot he posi ti on of the sli de block.

zBut ton Function in the Sli de Bar Interface

zA s hort- press or long-press of NEXT will move the slide block a step to ri ght. The corresponding number will be dis played st ep bystep till the max number .


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X-Micro Tech 400 user manual