Ready: UPGRADE is ready for recei vi ng the reques ts fromPC.
Firmware Upgrade
Operati on Inst ructi ons
If t he pl ayer is not connectedt o the USB Port , press Mode t o return t o t he System menu.
PC requests processi ng.
When receivingand process ingt he general requests fro m PC, the stat us of t he pl ayer are switched between Ready
and Bus y .
When receivingt he materi al downl oad upgrade request , t he pl ayer will swi tch to t he Doi ng st at us , and execute the download upgrade.
When receivingt he materi al upload backup request,t he player will switch to the Doings tat us ,and execute the upload backup.
11.2 Do wnload Upgrade
Download Upgrade is t o download the syst emfi rmware versi on fro m the PCsi de into the pl ayer and overwrite t he current
fi rmware versi on i nt he pl ayer .
Moreover,i f bot ht he s ystemfirmware and its backup are damaged, the Downl oad Upgrade canrepair the syst em fi rmware.