Yamaha DC1516V owner manual Ajuste del diapasón, Regolazione del tono, 調節音高

Models: DC1516V

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Ajuste del diapasón

Inicialmente, el piano “Silent Series” está afi- nado al diapasón de concierto estándar (La=440 hertzios).

Sin embargo el diapasón podrá ajustarse en pasos de un hertzio de 438 a 445 hertzios (un hertzio corresponde a aproximadamente cua- tro centésimas de semitono). En actuaciones de vocalistas y de orquesta se utilizan a veces diapasones diferentes. Si conoce el diapasón requerido, utilice el selector PITCH para ajus- tar con antelación el piano “Silent Series”.

Usted necesitará un destornillador pequeño de punta plana para ajustar el selector PITCH, que se encuentra en la parte izquierda de la caja de control, como se muestra a continua- ción.


El ajuste del selector PITCH se mantendrá aunque desconecte la alimentación del piano “Silent Series”.

Regolazione del tono

Inizialmente il piano Silent Series è accordato sul tono da concerto standard (La=440 hertz).

Il tono può però essere regolato in scatti di 1 hertz da 438 a 445 hertz (uno hertz corri- sponde a circa 4 cent). Toni diversi sono a volte usati nella musica vocale e in esecuzioni orchestrali. Se si conosce il tono necessario, usare l’interruttore PITCH per impostare il piano Silent Series prima dell’esecuzione.

Per regolare l’interruttore PITCH, situato sul lato sinistro dell’unità di controllo, usare un piccolo cacciavite come mostrato sotto.


L’impostazione dell’interruttore PITCH viene conservata in memoria quando si spegne il piano Silent Series.


本鋼琴最初被調諧至標準音樂會音高(A=440 赫玆)

然而﹐音高可從 438 445 赫玆 (1 赫玆約

4 音分)範圍按 1 赫玆級進行調節。

不同的音高有時可用於聲樂和管弦樂演出。 若您知道所需音高﹐可事先使用 PITCH (音 高)開關以設定本鋼琴。

您可使用小型平口螺絲刀以調節 PITCH (音 高)開關﹐如圖所示﹐該開關位於控制盒的 左側。


當本鋼琴的功率減低時﹐PITCH(音高)開關 的設定被記憶。


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Yamaha DC1516V owner manual Ajuste del diapasón, Regolazione del tono, 調節音高

DC1516V specifications

The Yamaha DC1516V is a professional audio console that stands out for its advanced features and high-quality performance, making it a go-to choice for live sound, recording, and broadcast applications. Designed for flexibility and ease of use, this digital mixing console offers a comprehensive set of tools for audio engineers and musicians alike.

One of the key features of the DC1516V is its impressive channel count, which allows for extensive input options. The console supports up to 16 input channels, enabling users to connect multiple instruments, microphones, and other audio sources simultaneously. Each channel is equipped with independent gain control, EQ settings, and auxiliary outputs, ensuring optimal sound management for any performance or recording scenario.

The DC1516V is powered by Yamaha's sophisticated digital signal processing technology, providing users with exceptional audio quality and low latency. This technology enables features such as precise EQ adjustments, dynamic range control, and integrated effects processing, allowing for a polished and professional sound. The console also supports various digital audio formats and standards, making it compatible with a wide range of audio equipment.

Another standout characteristic of the Yamaha DC1516V is its intuitive user interface. The console features a clear LCD display and strategically placed controls, facilitating ease of navigation and operation. This design minimizes the learning curve for new users, while also providing experienced engineers with quick access to critical settings during live events.

Additionally, the DC1516V is equipped with built-in USB connectivity, allowing for seamless integration with digital audio workstations (DAWs). This feature enables users to record performances directly to their computers or play back audio files from their DAW without external hardware, streamlining the recording process.

Furthermore, the console includes a range of built-in effects, including reverbs, delays, and modulation effects. These tools can be applied to individual channels or the overall mix, enhancing creativity and flexibility in sound shaping.

In summary, the Yamaha DC1516V is a versatile digital mixing console that combines professional-grade sound quality with user-friendly features. Its robust design, extensive connectivity options, and advanced processing capabilities make it an ideal choice for audio professionals seeking reliable performance in live and studio environments. Whether for concerts, events, or studio sessions, the DC1516V is engineered to deliver exceptional audio results.