| Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator | |
| RADIUS Accounting |
| This facility logs information about |
| Authentication. It allows data to be sent at the start and the end of sessions, indicating the |
| amount of resources (time, packets, bytes, etc.) used during the session. An ISP could use this |
| function for special security and billing needs. |
| |
| An external RADIUS server can provide authentication service for an unlimited number of DSL |
| Authentication |
| users. |
| |
| RFC |
| An RFC (Request for Comments) is an Internet formal document or standard that is the result of |
| committee drafting and subsequent review by interested parties. Some RFCs are informational |
| in nature. Of those that are intended to become Internet standards, the final version of the RFC |
| becomes the standard and no further comments or changes are permitted. Change can occur, |
| however, through subsequent RFCs. |
| |
| RIP |
| Routing Information Protocol is an interior or |
| |
| environment as a method for exchanging routing information between routers. |
| |
| An EIA standard which is the most common way of linking data devices together. |
| |
| |
| SDSL |
| Symmetrical Digital Subscriber Line is a symmetrical, |
| one |
| operates above the voice frequency, so voice and data can be carried on the same wire. |
| |
| Secondary |
| The P1600 secondary provides concentration, network management, Internet access and |
| routing functions as well but only through the LAN interface. |
| |
| Server |
| A computer, or a software package that provides a specific kind of service to client software |
| running on other computers. |
| |
| SMT |
| The SMT (System Management Terminal) is the interface that you use to configure your |
| Prestige. |
| |
| SNMP |
| System Network Management Protocol is a popular management protocol defined by the |
| Internet community for TCP/IP networks. It is a communication protocol for collecting information |
| from devices on the network. |
| |
| Splitter |
| A filter to separate ADSL signals from POTS signals to prevent mutual interference. |
| |
| Standalone |
| Standalone SMT configurations are the same as a secondary, but in this configuration mode, it |
| does not have to work with a primary. You can connect a router to its LAN port. |
| |
| STP |
| |
| twisted together to form a pair and the pair form a balanced circuit. The twisting prevents |
| interference problems. STP (shielded |
| crosstalk. |
| |
| A cable that wires a pin to its equivalent pin. This cable connects two dissimilar devices, for |
| |
| Ethernet Cable |
| example, a data terminal equipment (DTE) device and a data communications equipment (DCE) |
| device. A |
| |
| SUA |
| SUA (Single User Account) is a proprietary ZyXEL implementation of a subset of NAT that |
| supports two types of mapping, |
| |
| Subnet Mask |
| A bit mask used to select bits from an Internet address for subnet addressing. The mask is 32 |
| bits long and selects the network portion of the Internet address and one or more bits of the |
| local portion. |
| |
| SYSLOG allows you to log significant system information to a remote server. |
| |
| T1 |
| |
| unframed version, or payload, is 192 bits at a rate of 1.536 Mbps. |
| |
| TCP |
| Transmission Control Protocol. The major transport protocol in the Internet suite of protocols |
| providing reliable, |
| |
| TCP/IP Filter Rules |
| TCP/IP filter rules allow you to base the rule on the fields in the IP and the upper layer protocol, |
| e.g., UDP and TCP headers. |
| |
| Telco |
| The generic name for telephone companies throughout the world which encompasses RBOCs, |
| LECs and PTTs. |
| |
| Telnet |
| The virtual terminal protocol in the Internet suite of protocols. Allows users of one host to log into |
| a remote host and act as normal terminal users of that host. |
Glossary | M |