Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator

Chapter 2

Prestige 1600 Applications

This chapter shows you some applications of the Prestige 1600.

2.1Multi Purpose Concentrator

The Prestige 1600 is a highly flexible, high-speed Internet access solution. It is an integrated, cost-effective solution for line concentration, routing and network management. Using the existing infrastructure, service providers (ISPs, Telcos, SIs) and owners of high-rise buildings can take advantage of the DSL technologies using the P1600 concentrator.

2.2Prestige 1600 Deployment Scenarios

The P1600 concentrator can be deployed at various offices for high-speed Internet Access, campus connectivity and remote access. It can be deployed at an ISP site or at remote sites (MDU, Telcos/CLECs) with various configurations. The P1600 provides two kinds of connection to the ISP: WAN port and Ethernet port. When the P1600 is installed at an ISP site, traffic from the DSL ports is routed to LAN port. When the P1600 is installed at a remote site, traffic is routed to WAN port, then to an ISP.

The P1600 supports RS-232, EIA 530, RS-422, X.21 and V.35 interface types on the WAN port. The P1600 supports Ethernet port interfaces such as a broadband modem. A few P1600 deployment scenarios are shown next.

2.2.1Deployed at a High-rise for High-Speed Internet Access
Figure 2-1 Deployed at a High-rise

Property managers or service providers can install the P1600 in Multiple Dwelling Units (MDU) and provide the subscribers with high-speed Internet access and other services.

Initial Setup
