Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator


The carrier gives you a DLCI (Data Link Connection Identifier) for each frame relay connection to a destination. Identifiers can range from 1 to 991 with restrictions as shown in the following table. The default DLCI for the first connection is 16.

Table 4-3 Data Link Connection Identifiers






Channel Signaling







16 - 991

Frame Relay



4.3.3CIR (Committed Information Rate)

The carrier programs virtual circuits into the network between your sites and charges you for a specific level of service called the committed information rate (CIR). The CIR is basically a guarantee that the carrier will always have that bandwidth available. The CIR limit for the Prestige is 8Mbps. The sum of CIRs from all channels in a line cannot exceed 8Mbps due to the processing limit of the P1600 CPU.

4.3.4EIR (Excess Information Rate)

This is the burst capability of the connection, i.e., the maximum allowable data transfer rate. EIR must be greater than or equal to the CIR.

4.3.5How To Configure Frame Relay for Internet Access

Go to Menu 4 - Internet Access Setup, move the cursor to the Edit Frame Relay Options= field, press the [SPACEBAR] once to display Yes and then press [ENTER]. This takes you to Menu 4.2 - Internet Setup Frame Relay Options shown next.

Menu 4 - Internet Access Setup

ISP's Name= ChangeMe

My Login= 1234

My Password= ********

Network Address Translation= SUA Only

My WAN Addr=

Address Mapping Set= N/A

Edit Frame Relay Options= No

Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:

Figure 4-5 Menu 4 - Internet Access Setup


WAN Port Setup