Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator
enabled, the inside IP address and port number are replaced on a
To speed up filtering, all rules in a filter set must be of the same type, i.e., Protocol filters or Device filters. The class of a filter set is determined by the first rule that you create. When applying the filter sets to a port, separate menu fields are provided for protocol and device filter sets. If you include a protocol filter set in a device filters field or vice versa, the Prestige will warn you and will not allow you to save.
10.5.1 TCP/IP Filter Rule
This section shows you how to configure a TCP/IP filter rule. TCP/IP rules allow you to base the rule on the fields in the IP and the upper layer protocol, e.g., UDP and TCP, headers.
To configure a TCP/IP rules, select TCP/IP Filter Rule from the Filter Type field and press Enter to open Menu 21.1.1 - TCP/IP Filter Rule, as shown next.
Filter Configuration |