Prestige P645 ADSL Internet Access Router
Metric | The metric represents the “cost” of transmission for routing purposes. IP routing uses |
| hop count as the measurement of cost, with a minimum of 1 for directly connected |
| networks. Enter a number that approximates the cost for this link. The number need |
| not be precise, but it must be between 1 and 15. In practice, 2 or 3 is usually a good |
| number. |
Private | This parameter determines if the Prestige will include the route to this remote node in |
| its RIP broadcasts. If set to Yes, this route is kept private and not included in RIP |
| broadcasts. If No, the route to this remote node will be propagated to other hosts |
| through RIP broadcasts. |
Once you have completed filling in the Edit IP Static Route, press [ENTER] to return to menu 12.1. Press [ENTER] at the message [Press ENTER to Confirm...] to save your configuration, or press [ESC] at any time to cancel.
Remote Node TCP/IP Configuration |