Prestige 2302 Support Notes
Port # Comp= | None | |
TCP Estab= N/A |
More= No | Log= None | |
Action Matched= Drop |
| |
Action Not Matched= Check | Next Rule | |
Press ENTER to Confirm or | ESC to Cancel: | |
•Rule 3-Destination port number 138 with protocol number 6 (TCP)
Menu 21.1.3 - TCP/IP Filter Rule
Filter #: 1,3
Filter Type= TCP/IP Filter Rule
Active= Yes |
IP Protocol= | 6 | IP Source Route= No |
Destination: IP Addr= | ||
| IP Mask= | |
| Port #= 138 | |
| Port # Comp= Equal | |
Source: IP Addr= | ||
| IP Mask= | |
| Port #= 0 | |
| Port # Comp= None | |
TCP Estab= No |
More= No |
| Log= None |
Action Matched= Drop
Action Not Matched= Check Next Rule
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
•Rule 4-Destination port number 138 with protocol number 17 (UDP)
All contents copyright (c) 2005 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.