Chapter 39 Maintenance

39.7 Backup a Configuration File

Backing up your Switch configurations allows you to create various “snapshots” of your device from which you may restore at a later date.

Back up your current Switch configuration to a computer using the Backup Configuration screen.

Figure 202 Management > Maintenance > Backup Configuration

Follow the steps below to back up the current Switch configuration to your computer in this screen.

1Click Backup.

2Click Save to display the Save As screen.

3Choose a location to save the file on your computer from the Save in drop-down list box and type a descriptive name for it in the File name list box. Click Save to save the configuration file to your computer.

39.8FTP Command Line

This section shows some examples of uploading to or downloading files from the Switch using FTP commands. First, understand the filename conventions.

39.8.1 Filename Conventions

The configuration file (also known as the romfile or ROM) contains the factory default settings in the screens such as password, Switch setup, IP Setup, and so on. Once you have customized the Switch’s settings, they can be saved back to your computer under a filename of your choosing.



XGS-4728F User’s Guide