The configuration procedure is completed and the instrument shows "
If no other setting is necessary, push the FUNC pushbutton, the display returns to show "COnF". Otherwise access to the advanced configuration parameter proceeding as follows:
1)using s and t pushbuttons to set the 262 code on the display.
2)push the FUNC pushbutton.
P18 = Main control output action
This parameter is skipped if none of the outputs is configured as control output.
nOrL = the power output is equal to the result of PID calculation.
CnPL = the power output is complemented (100 - PID calculation).
P19 = Displayed value of the main power output
This parameter is skipped if none of the outputs is configured as control output.
nOrL = the displayed value is equal to the result of PID calculation.
CnPL = the displayed value is complemented (100 - PID calculation).
P20 = Secondary control output action
This parameter is available only when two control outputs are configured.
nOrL = the power output is equal to the result of PID calculation.
CnPL = the power output is complemented (100 - PID calculation).
P21 = Displayed value of the power output for the secondary control output
This parameter is available only when two control outputs are configured.
nOrL = the displayed value is equal to the result of PID calculation.
CnPL = the displayed value is complemented (100 - PID calculation).
NOTE: when two control outputs are configured, the P18 and P19 selections are applied to the "rEv" control output while P20 and P21 selections are applied to the "dir" control output.
P22 = Cooling media.
Available only when the device is configured with two control outputs.
AIr = Air is used as cooling media. OIL = Oil is used as cooling media.
H2O = Direct water is used as cooling media. Changing P22 parameter, the instrument forces the cycle time and relative cooling gain param- eters to the default value related with the chosen cooling media
When P22 = AIr - Cyx = 10 s and rC = 1.00 P22 = OIL - Cyx = 4 s and rC = 0.80 P22 = H2O - Cyx = 2 and rC = 0.40
Where Cyx is the cycle time(Cy2 or Cy3) of the out programmed as "dir" control output.
P23 = Relative cooling gain calculated by SMART function.
Available only when device is configured with two control outputs.
OFF = SMART algorithm does not calculate the rC parameter value
On = SMART algorithm calculates the rC parameter value.
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