Emerson IS-WEB485ADPT installation manual Appendix a Firmware Updates Introduction, Overview

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Liebert’s IntelliSlot® cards may be updated to take advantage of the latest release of the firmware with enhanced features, compatibility with new units or service patches. Upgraded firmware may be downloaded with a browser, such as Internet Explorer. Liebert maintains firmware upgrades on its Web site, www.liebert.com/downloads.

Liebert manufactures various types of network cards for Liebert products. Before beginning any upgrade, determine the type of Liebert IntelliSlot card to be upgraded.

This identifying information—the type of card and firmware version currently installed—may be found in the documentation shipped with the card or by reading the card’s support information through a terminal emulation, Telnet or Web interface, as described in A.3.2 - Determine the Lie- bert IntelliSlot Card Type and Firmware Version.


Liebert recommends that users read all the instructions prior to attempting a firmware upgrade.

A.1.1 Overview

The firmware upgrade involves these steps:

Table A1 Overview of the upgrade process



For details, see:




1. Decide which interface to use to connect to the


- Connect to the Card - Terminal Emulation, Telnet

Liebert IntelliSlot card


or Web Interface

2. Prepare for the upgrade





• Make sure you have everything needed to

A.3.1 - Requirements to Update the Liebert IntelliSlot

perform the upgrade


Card’s Firmware

• Check the type of card and firmware version

A.3.2 - Determine the Liebert IntelliSlot Card Type and

currently installed


Firmware Version

• Download the upgrade file from Liebert’s Web

A.3.3 - Download the Firmware Upgrade File to the




• Decide which method to use for the upgrade

A.3.4 - Choose a Method to Install the Firmware





3. Follow the step-by-step instructions to upgrade the firmware with the chosen method:




• HTTP (Web) Method


- Updating the Firmware - HTTP (Web) Method




• TFTP (HyperTerminal, Telnet, Web) Method


- Updating the Firmware - TFTP (HyperTerminal,


Telnet, Web) Method



• Xmodem (Serial) Method


- Updating the Firmware - Xmodem (Serial) Method




A.1.2 Estimated Time to Download the Firmware Upgrade File

The amount of time required to download the firmware upgrade file depends on the upgrade method used. Refer to Table A2 for estimated times for each method.

Table A2 Estimated Time for downloads

Upgrade Method

Expected Speed



HTTP (Web) Method

6-7 minutes

(.bin file)

(subject to network traffic)

TFTP (HyperTerminal, Telnet, Web) Method

5-6 minutes

(.bin file)

(subject to network traffic)

Xmodem (Serial) Method

1st file

2 minutes



2nd file

2 minutes

Xmodem 1K 115,200 bps




3rd file

3-5 minutes





Image 45
Contents Liebert IntelliSlot Web Cards Page Table of Contents Support Information TablesImportant Safety Instructions Compatibility With Liebert Equipment IntroductionLiebert IntelliSlot card communication protocols Web Support Password ProtectionSnmp Support Liebert Nform SupportInstallation Install a Liebert IntelliSlot Web Card-Non-Adapter VersionPrepare the Card for Configuration Communication settingsSelect Enabled Application Install a Liebert IntelliSlot Web/485 Card With AdapterConfiguration Overview Guide to ConfigurationConfiguration interfaces Guide to configuration detailsConnection settings Open the Terminal Emulation Interface Serial ConnectionName Winsock Open the Terminal Emulation Interface TCP/IP ConnectionTelnet Open the Telnet InterfaceSaving Changes and Reinitializing the Web Card Open the Web InterfaceTerminal Emulation Serial or TCP/IP Connection / Telnet Web InterfaceSystem information identifiers System InformationNetwork Settings menu guide Network SettingsBoot/IP settings range Boot/IP SettingsDomain Name Server settings Domain Name Server DNS SettingsManagement protocol ranges Management ProtocolWeb Interface Snmp Communications Menu Display/Modify CommunitiesSnmp communications menu read public2 Display/Modify Trap CommunitiesSpecify Web Server Settings Web server settingsWeb Server Certificate Path tab View Click on View CertificateAutomatically select Install CertificateInstall Security Certificates Internet Explorer 7 or later Certificate Error View CertificatesContinue to this website Certificate Import Wizard opens. Click Next Configure tab Edit Telnet Telnet ServerTime Sntp Menu Sntp Time Sync Rate Time Server parametersChange Username / Password Factory default passwordsUsername and password guidelines Reset Authentication to Factory Defaults Configure tab Edit Messaging MessagingMessaging menu guide Mail configuration guide Mail ConfigurationConfigure tab Edit SMS ConfigurationSMS configuration guide Customize Messages Terminal Emulation Serial or TCP/IP Connec- tion / TelnetMail and SMS message guidelines Message Consolidation Time Limit Configure tab Edit Customize MessageReset to Factory Defaults Factory SettingsConfigure tab Factory Defaults Reset To Factory Defaults Factory default MAC addresses Liebert DS Local Node Settings for Multiple CardsMonitoring Liebert Equipment Monitor and Control Functions WEB onlyWeb Interface Only Controlling Liebert Equipment Control tab Control Operations Click to view in right panelLiebert GXT2U example Output DS example Setpoints Event Log Controls Event LogLinks Scroll through Event Log tabView Web Card Information Support InformationSupport tab Listing in right panel Summary Support tab Listing in right panel Events or Parameters Events and ParametersEstimated Time to Download the Firmware Upgrade File Appendix a Firmware Updates IntroductionTable A1 Overview of the upgrade process OverviewTable A3 Communication settings Open the Terminal Emulation Interface Serial ConnectionOpen the Terminal Emulation Interface TCP/IP Connection Open the Web Interface Open the Telnet InterfaceDownload the Firmware Upgrade File to the Computer Choose a Method to Install the Firmware Upgrade Install the Firmware UpgradeUpdating the Firmware Http WEB Method Table A4 Firmware update settings Tftp Specify Tftp Server and Upgrade FilenameOpen a Connection to the Card Reconnect to the CardTftp Method Web Interface Begin the Upgrade ProcessTable A5 Firmware update settings Web Updating the Firmware Xmodem Serial Method Connect a Cable to the Serial Ports 115200 bps Call menu Configure buttonOpen a Terminal Emulation Connection Change the Baud Rate toDownload the Second and Third Firmware Update Files Download the First Firmware Update FileCall menu 9600 bps Configure button Complete the Upgrade and Restore Communication RateUpdating the Firmware Xmodem Serial Method A13 Updating the Firmware Xmodem Serial Method A14 Page Iti Ne tTi n That