Cooper Bussmann BU-945U-E 802.11 DSSS user manual Testing Radio Paths, Utilities, Ping

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Cooper Bussmann Wireless Ethernet & Device Server BU-945U-E 802.11 DSSS User Manual

4.5 Testing Radio Paths

The general procedure for radio range testing a link is fairly simple. Configure two units to form a link using automatic radio rates. Install the Access Point at a fixed location. Take a laptop computer and the Client to each of the remote locations, and analyze the link using the Connectivity webpage. If a beacon is heard from the Access Point, the Client will update its Connectivity webpage with the received signal strength of beacon messages from the Access Point.

If the signal is strong enough, a link may be established, and the Connectivity webpage of the Access Point may be opened. If the link is weak, the LINK led will go out, and the remote Connectivity webpage of the Access Point will fail to load. Using this procedure, the signal strengths of units at both locations may be analyzed, and traffic is sent between the units whilst remote Webpages are opened.

Testing radio paths is generally testing the amount of data throughput that can be achieved via the radio link. We can check this data throughput using a number of different software tools, i.e., ftp file transfer, Iperf, Qcheck, etc.

All of the above applications measure the raw data throughput and from this we can determine the amount of interference from the measured and calculated data throughput levels.

The preferred application is called “Iperf” which can be downloaded from

See Appendix D - “IPerf Data Throughput Test” for a detailed procedure on how to use Iperf to check radio data throughput.

4.6 Utilities


Ping is a basic Internet program that lets you verify that a particular IP address exists and can accept requests. Ping is used diagnostically to ensure that a host computer you are trying to reach is actually operating. If, for example, a user can’t ping a host, then the user will be unable to send files to that host. Ping operates by sending a packet to a designated address and waiting for a response. The basic operation of Ping can be performed by following these steps in any Windows operating system.

Click on the Start Menu and select Run. Type in “cmd” and enter, you should then see the command screen come up. There will be a certain directory specified (unique to your own PC) with a flashing cursor at the end. At the cursor type the word “ping” leaving a space and the default IP address for the BU-945U-E at first start-up.

This command would be written as “ping” then <enter> to send the ping command. The PC will reply with an acknowledgement of your command and if your BU-945U-E is correctly configured your reply will look something like this.

The screen shot below shows the response of the “ping” command.



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Contents Read Retain Phone 800 a.m 500 p.m. Central, M-F 636 Fax 636 Cooper Bussmann Application EngineeringFCC Notice Cooper Bussmann Important NoticeGNU Free Documentation License Contents Network Topology BU-945U-E 802.11 630mW max powerAccess Point vs Client 3A1582Rev1.6 Bridge vs. Router Getting Started Quickly Antenna Installation GeneralLine-of-sight installations Bench test and Demo System SetupPlant and Factory Installations AntennasInstallation tips Omni-directional AntennasDirectional Antennas Power SupplySerial Connections RS232 Serial PortDB9 Connector Pinouts RS485 Serial Port3A1582Rev1.6 Discrete Digital Input/Output Start-up 802.11 900 MHz Channels Selecting a ChannelLED Indication 3A1582Rev1.6 Radio Throughput Data Throughput Based on Repeater HopsAccessing Configuration for the First Time Configuring the Unit for the First TimeDefault Configuration Method 1 Set PC to same network as BU-945U-E Power up the BU-945U-E moduleEnter the username user and default password user For local addresses3A1582Rev1.6 Quick Start Configuration Quick StartNetwork Configuration Configured Essid of the client Dhcp Server Configuration, Default is uncheckedWireless ports will have the same IP address Save Changes and ResetSecurity Menu Encryption keys must not be all zeros, i.e3A1582Rev1.6 Transparent Bridge Operation Radio ConfigurationNormal Operation Router OperationDrop back to non-bursting mode Bands Default is AutoSignal quality, etc Access pointDefault distance is 20km Dhcp Client ConfigurationRadio Mode BU-945U-E Only Supports the 802.11 Standard Channel SelectionSpanning Tree Algorithm / Redundancy Dhcp Server ConfigurationDNS Server Configuration Multiple AP Repeater Mesh Network 3A1582Rev1.6 Example Extending range using WDS Site B WDS ConfigurationExample Roaming with WDS Access Points Example Adding Redundancy3A1582Rev1.6 Example WDS Routed Network Mouse, to highlight the entire row STP Routing RulesWDS Connections Information at a later time Wireless Message FilteringSpecifies a destination host 3A1582Rev1.6 Utilize the radio link. All other devices are blocked MAC Address Filter ConfigurationIP Address Filter Configuration ARP Filter Configuration Serial Port Configuration RS-232 PPP ServerSerial Gateway Server/Client/Multicast Serial Gateway Modbus Modbus RTU to TCPModbus TCP to RTU Gateway Serial MenuMulticast Pipe Manager Multicast Group IP Address Digital Input/OutputPort on the Client, i.e., Scada, DCS, etc To be the same on all communicating Multicast devicesModbus I/O Transfer 3A1582Rev1.6 Modbus TCP Configuration on I/O Transfer Menu Module Information Webpage Fields Module Information ConfigurationModbus TCP Client Mappings on I/O Transfer Menu Remote Configuration System ToolsExtending a Wired Network Configuration ExamplesSetting a BU-945U-E to Factory Default Settings LAN B Configuration Client 1 ConfigurationClient 2 Configuration Extending Range of a Network with a Repeater Hop Access Point ConfigurationClient Configuration LED Indicator Condition Meaning Diagnostics ChartBoot Status LED Indication during Start-up RED ContinuouslyConnectivity Parameters Diagnostic Information AvailableConnectivity Site SurveyStatistics Network Traffic AnalysisConnection Information Internal Diagnostic Modbus Registers9999 Both Reset module enter Ffff to reset module 5014 STA OnlyStatistic Registers Ping Testing Radio PathsUtilities 3A1582Rev1.6 Ipconfig ArpRoute Radio Transceiver Power SupplyGeneral Serial PortsSystem Parameters Input / Output statusWeb-Based Upgrade Appendix a Firmware UpgradesCSMA/CD ACKCSMA/CA DhcpISN IeeeIPX-SPX NIC SNRNAT SSLWAN VoIPVPN WEPDBm to mW Conversion Iperf Applications InstallationMaterials 3A1582Rev1.6 JPerf Application 3A1582Rev1.6 Preamble Terms and Conditions3A1582Rev1.6 No Warranty 3A1582Rev1.6 Customer Assistance