Cooper Bussmann BU-945U-E 802.11 DSSS user manual Ack, Csma/Ca, Csma/Cd, Dhcp, Dns Dsl

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Cooper Bussmann Wireless Ethernet & Device Server BU-945U-E 802.11 DSSS User Manual




Access Point

An access point connects wireless network Stations (or Clients) to other Stations within the wireless network and also can serve as the point of interconnection between the wireless network and a wired network. Each Access Point can serve multiple users within a defined network area. Also known as a base station.

Antenna Gain

Antennae don’t increase the transmission power, but focus the signal more. So instead of transmitting in every direction (including the sky and ground) antenna focus the signal usually either more horizontally or in one particular direction. This gain is measured in decibels


The maximum data transfer speed available to a user through a network.””


A bridge is used to connect two local area networks together. Bridges are typically used to connect wireless networks to wired networks. Typically, bridges will transfer messages between networks only when the message destination is on the other network. Messages that are destined for the same network as they originated on are not passed to the other network, therefore reducing traffic on the entire network.

Collision Avoidance

A network node procedure for proactively detecting that it can transmit a signal without risking a collision with transmissions from other network nodes.

Client / Sta / Station

A device on a network that gains access to data, information, and other devices through a Server (Access Point).

Crossover Cable

A special cable used for networking two computers without the use of a hub. Crossover cables may also be required for connecting a cable or DSL modem to a wireless gateway or access point. The cable is wired so that the signals “crossover”, connecting transmit signal on one side to receiver signals on the other.


Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance is a “listen before talk” method of minimizing (but not eliminating) collisions caused by simultaneous transmission by multiple radios. IEEE 802.11 states collision avoidance method rather than collision detection must be used, because the standard employs half duplex radios—radios capable of transmission or reception—but not both simultaneously. Unlike conventional wired Ethernet nodes, a WLAN station cannot detect a collision while transmitting. If a collision occurs, the transmitting station will not receive an ACKnowledge packet from the intended receive station. For this reason, ACK packets have a higher priority than all other network traffic. After completion of a data transmission, the receive station will begin transmission of the ACK packet before any other node can begin transmitting a new data packet. All other stations must wait a longer pseudo randomized period of time before transmitting. If an ACK packet is not received, the transmitting station will wait for a subsequent opportunity to retry transmission.


Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection is the access method used on an Ethernet network. A network device transmits data after detecting that a channel is available. However, if two devices transmit data simultaneously, the sending devices detect a collision and retransmit after a random time delay.


Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol A utility that enables a server to dynamically assign IP addresses from a predefined list and limit their time of use so that they can be reassigned. Without DHCP, an IT Manager would have to manually enter in all the IP addresses of all the computers on the network. When DHCP is used, whenever a computer logs onto the network, it automatically gets an IP address assigned to it.


A communication connection via the standard telephone network, or Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS).


Domain Name Service A program that translates URLs to IP addresses by accessing a database maintained on a collection of Internet servers. The program works behind the scenes to facilitate surfing the Web with alpha versus numeric addresses. A DNS server converts a name like to a series of numbers like Every website has its own specific IP address on the Internet.


Digital Subscriber Line Various technology protocols for high-speed data, voice and video transmission over ordinary twisted-pair copper POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) telephone wires.



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Contents Read Retain Cooper Bussmann Application Engineering FCC NoticePhone 800 a.m 500 p.m. Central, M-F 636 Fax 636 Important Notice GNU Free Documentation LicenseCooper Bussmann Contents BU-945U-E 802.11 630mW max power Access Point vs ClientNetwork Topology 3A1582Rev1.6 Bridge vs. Router Getting Started Quickly General Antenna InstallationPlant and Factory Installations Bench test and Demo System SetupLine-of-sight installations AntennasOmni-directional Antennas Installation tipsSerial Connections Power SupplyDirectional Antennas RS232 Serial PortRS485 Serial Port DB9 Connector Pinouts3A1582Rev1.6 Discrete Digital Input/Output Start-up Selecting a Channel LED Indication802.11 900 MHz Channels 3A1582Rev1.6 Data Throughput Based on Repeater Hops Radio ThroughputConfiguring the Unit for the First Time Default ConfigurationAccessing Configuration for the First Time Enter the username user and default password user Power up the BU-945U-E moduleMethod 1 Set PC to same network as BU-945U-E For local addresses3A1582Rev1.6 Quick Start Quick Start ConfigurationNetwork Configuration Wireless ports will have the same IP address Dhcp Server Configuration, Default is uncheckedConfigured Essid of the client Save Changes and ResetEncryption keys must not be all zeros, i.e Security Menu3A1582Rev1.6 Normal Operation Radio ConfigurationTransparent Bridge Operation Router OperationSignal quality, etc Bands Default is AutoDrop back to non-bursting mode Access pointRadio Mode BU-945U-E Only Supports the 802.11 Standard Dhcp Client ConfigurationDefault distance is 20km Channel SelectionDhcp Server Configuration DNS Server ConfigurationSpanning Tree Algorithm / Redundancy Multiple AP Repeater Mesh Network 3A1582Rev1.6 Site B WDS Configuration Example Extending range using WDSExample Adding Redundancy Example Roaming with WDS Access Points3A1582Rev1.6 Example WDS Routed Network Mouse, to highlight the entire row Routing Rules WDS ConnectionsSTP Wireless Message Filtering Specifies a destination hostInformation at a later time 3A1582Rev1.6 MAC Address Filter Configuration IP Address Filter ConfigurationUtilize the radio link. All other devices are blocked ARP Filter Configuration RS-232 PPP Server Serial Port ConfigurationSerial Gateway Modbus Modbus RTU to TCP Serial Gateway Server/Client/MulticastSerial Menu Modbus TCP to RTU GatewayMulticast Pipe Manager Port on the Client, i.e., Scada, DCS, etc Digital Input/OutputMulticast Group IP Address To be the same on all communicating Multicast devicesModbus I/O Transfer 3A1582Rev1.6 Modbus TCP Configuration on I/O Transfer Menu Module Information Configuration Modbus TCP Client Mappings on I/O Transfer MenuModule Information Webpage Fields System Tools Remote ConfigurationConfiguration Examples Setting a BU-945U-E to Factory Default SettingsExtending a Wired Network Client 1 Configuration Client 2 ConfigurationLAN B Configuration Access Point Configuration Client ConfigurationExtending Range of a Network with a Repeater Hop Boot Status LED Indication during Start-up Diagnostics ChartLED Indicator Condition Meaning RED ContinuouslyConnectivity Diagnostic Information AvailableConnectivity Parameters Site SurveyNetwork Traffic Analysis Statistics9999 Both Reset module enter Ffff to reset module Internal Diagnostic Modbus RegistersConnection Information 5014 STA OnlyStatistic Registers Testing Radio Paths UtilitiesPing 3A1582Rev1.6 Arp IpconfigRoute General Power SupplyRadio Transceiver Serial PortsInput / Output status System ParametersAppendix a Firmware Upgrades Web-Based UpgradeCSMA/CA ACKCSMA/CD DhcpIeee IPX-SPXISN NAT SNRNIC SSLVPN VoIPWAN WEPDBm to mW Conversion Installation MaterialsIperf Applications 3A1582Rev1.6 JPerf Application 3A1582Rev1.6 Terms and Conditions Preamble3A1582Rev1.6 No Warranty 3A1582Rev1.6 Customer Assistance