Programmer’s Guide, cont’d
Command/response table for SIS commands (Cont’d)
Command | ASCII Command | Response | Additional description |
| (host to switcher) | (switcher to host) |
Start direct write of global presets
End direct write of global presets Quick recall preset
Esc | P | X11 |
| Write Preset | X11 | Ready | ||||
{Tie commands} |
| |||
| p | End Write Preset |
| ||||||
Esc | X11 | |||||||||
| . | Rpr |
| ||||||
Esc | X11 |
Allows direct entry of presets. {Define ties for preset.} Saves directly written presets. Command character is a period.
1. This sequence of commands forces the switcher to perform a complete backplane switch within 60 msecs of receipt of the Quick recall command.
2.The switcher ignores any invalid command or
3.If there is no activity for 5 seconds, the switcher returns the timeout (E17) error.
4.The switcher disables front panel switching during this sequence of commands.
5.The switcher returns the invalid command (E10) error if it receives the End command without the start command or the Quick recall command without a prior direct preset write.
6.The switcher must receive the Quick recall command within 100 msecs of the End command.
Example: |
| P14 | Write Preset 14 Ready | Creates new preset 14 with: | ||||||||||||
| Esc | ||||||||||||||||
| 1*3! |
| A & V Input 1 tied to output 3. | ||||||||
| 7*8% |
| Video input 7 tied to output 81. | ||||||||
| 10*4& |
| RGB input 10 tied to output 41. | ||||||||
| 12*4$ |
| Audio input 12 tied to output 4. | ||||||||
| p | End Write Preset 14 | Stops entry, saves preset 14. | ||||||||||||
| Esc | ||||||||||||||||
| . | Rpr |
| Recalls the preset. | ||||||
| Esc | X11 | |||||||||||||||
Video mute commands |
Video mute |
| X2 | *1B | Vmt |
| X2 | *1 | Mute output | X2 | video (video | ||||||||
| off). | |||||
Video unmute |
| *0B | Vmt |
| *0 | Unmute output |
| video (video | |||||||
| X2 |
| X2 | X2 | ||||||||||||||
| on). | |||||
| ||||||
Read video mute |
| X2 | B | X13 |
| 1= mute on, 0 = mute off. | ||||||||||
Global RGB mute | 1*B | Vmt1 |
| ||||||||||
Global RGB unmute | 0*B | Vmt0 |
| ||||||||||
Audio mute commands |
Audio mute |
| X2 | *1Z | Amt | X2 | *1 | Mute output | X2 | video (audio | |||||||||
| off). | |||||
Audio unmute |
| *0Z | Amt |
| *0 | Unmute output |
| video (audio | |||||||||
| X2 | X2 | X2 | |||||||||||||||
| on). | |||||
Read audio mute |
| X2 | Z | X13 |
| 1= mute on, 0 = mute off. | ||||||||||||
Global audio mute | 1*Z | Amt1 |
| ||||||||||
Global audio unmute | 0*Z | Amt0 |
| ||||||||||
Executive mode |
Lock front panel | X | Exe1 | Enable executive mode. | |||||||||||||||
Unlock front panel | x | Exe0 | Disable executive mode. |
Reset global presets Reset delays Reset audio levels Reset grouping
Esc | zG | ZapG•• | Clear all global presets. |
| zD | ZapD•• | Reset all switch intervals to 0 sec. |
Esc | |||
| zA | ZapA•• | Reset all audio levels to 0dB. |
Esc | |||
| zP | ZapP•• | Reset all I/O grouping. |
Esc |