| Table III. Universal Registers |
Name | Function |
Register File |
Register file locations | |
Program Sequencer | |
PC* | Program counter; address of instruction cur- |
| rently executing |
PCSTK | Top of PC stack |
PCSTKP | PC stack pointer |
FADDR* | Fetch address |
DADDR* | Decode address |
LADDR | Loop termination address, code; top of loop |
| address stack |
CURLCNTR | Current loop counter; top of loop count stack |
LCNTR | Loop count for next nested |
| loop |
Data Address Generators | |
DAG1 index registers | |
DAG1 modify registers | |
DAG1 length registers | |
DAG1 base registers | |
DAG2 index registers | |
DAG2 modify registers | |
DAG2 length registers | |
DAG2 base registers | |
Bus Exchange |
PX1 | |
PX2 | |
PX | |
Timer |
TPERIOD | Timer period |
TCOUNT | Timer counter |
Memory Interface |
DMWAIT | Wait state and page size control for data |
| memory |
DMBANK1 | Data memory bank 1 upper boundary |
DMBANK2 | Data memory bank 2 upper boundary |
DMBANK3 | Data memory bank 3 upper boundary |
DMADR* | Copy of last data memory address |
PMWAIT | Wait state and page size control for program |
| memory |
PMBANK1 | Program memory bank 1 upper boundary |
PMADR* | Copy of last program memory address |
System Registers |
MODE1 | Mode control bits for |
| isters, interrupt nesting and enable, ALU satu- |
| ration, |
| boundary |
MODE2 | Mode control bits for interrupt sensitivity, |
| cache disable and freeze, timer enable, and I/O |
| flag configuration |
IRPTL | Interrupt latch |
IMASK | Interrupt mask |
IMASKP | Interrupt mask pointer (for nesting) |
ASTAT | Arithmetic status flags, bit test, I/O flag values, |
| and compare accumulator |
STKY | Sticky arithmetic status flags, circular buffer |
| overflow flags, stack status flags (not sticky) |
USTAT1 | User status register l |
USTAT2 | User status register 2 |
Refer to User’s Manual for
Table IV. ALU Compute Operations
Rn = Rx + Ry | Fn = Fx + Fy |
Rn = Rx – Ry | Fn = Fx – Fy |
Rn = Rx + Ry, Rm = Rx – Ry | Fn = Fx + Fy, Fm = Fx – Fy |
Rn = Rx + Ry + CI | Fn = ABS (Fx + Fy) |
Rn = Rx – Ry + CI – l | Fn = ABS (Fx – Fy) |
Rn = (Rx + Ry)/2 | Fn = (Fx + Fy)/2 |
COMP(Rx, Ry) | COMP(Fx, Fy) |
Rn = | Fn = |
Rn = ABS Rx | Fn = ABS Fx |
Rn = PASS Rx | Fn = PASS Fx |
Rn = MIN(Rx, Ry) | Fn = MIN(Fx, Fy) |
Rn = MAX(Rx, Ry) | Fn = MAX(Fx, Fy) |
Rn = CLIP Rx BY Ry | Fn = CLIP Fx BY Fy |
Rn = Rx + CI | Fn = RND Fx |
Rn = Rx + CI – 1 | Fn = SCALB Fx BY Ry |
Rn = Rx + l | Rn = MANT Fx |
Rn = Rx – l | Rn = LOGB Fx |
Rn = Rx AND Ry | Rn = FIX Fx BY Ry |
Rn = Rx OR Ry | Rn = FIX Fx |
Rn = Rx XOR Ry | Fn = FLOAT Rx BY Ry |
Rn = NOT Rx | Fn = FLOAT Rx |
| Fn = RECIPS Fx |
| Fn = RSQRTS Fx |
| Fn = Fx COPYSIGN Fy |
Rn, Rx, Ry
Fn, Fx, Fy
REV. C |