Please wait for Writing...block 1
Please wait for Writing...block 2
Replay New Greeting Voice?(y/n):
Disconnect Tone Analysis : please follow instructions on screen (Selection 2). First call in line1 of VoIP FXO gateway from PSTN side (now can’t hear greeting), hang up the phone and press “enter” to start record disconnect tone. Finally, choose “y/n” to save data analyzed or not. Notice that system will save one set of frequency analyzed and 4 set different on/off time in “busytone1”,”busytone2” ,“reordertone1” , “reordertone2” (Please refer to
tone command) .
If VoIP FXO gateway still can’t hang up call correctly, it could be tone cadence issue (on/off time). Please count on/off time and configure it into tone command.
usr/config$ greetrd
Welcome to Voice Record/Analysis Mode
1.Greeting Voice Record. 2.Disconnect Tone Analysis. 3.exit.
Please input function(1~3): 2
2.Disconnect Tone Analysis.
Press "Enter" to start record!!!
Waiting for Disconnect Tone from PSTN....
Disconnect Tone Detected....
Starting Record...
Set parameters to flash? (Y/N)
exit : exit this command
usr/config$ greetrd
Welcome to Voice Record/Analysis Mode
1.Greeting Voice Record. 2.Disconnect Tone Analysis.