1.3 System Config
zKeypad Type: Select different DTMF Keypad Type (For Advanced User)
zDial Plan: Set DTMF digit limitation (0 is for any digits)
zInter Digit Time: Set the DTMF inter digit time (second)
zEnd of Dial: Digit type of end of dialing. ( 0:No end of dialing, 1:[*] button, 2:[#] button )
z2nddial: This command is necessary for setting one time dial method use. While user would like to skip 2nddial process, VoIP SP5054 must close 2nddial and set as 0 (2nddial off). The default value is set as 1 (2nddial on).
zCall Alive: Enable the function to check connection (Both side must support)
zLine Seizure: Choose line seizure mode (None/UCD)
zGateway Service: Specify gateway service type. (0: Dial in service,1:
Direct in line service, 2: HotLine/LineToLine service.)