Cypress CY7C68034, CY7C68033 manual PCB Layout Recommendations16

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PCB Layout Recommendations[16]

The following recommendations should be followed to ensure reliable high-performance operation:

At least a four-layer impedance controlled boards is recom- mended to maintain signal quality.

Specify impedance targets (ask your board vendor what they can achieve) to meet USB specifications.

To control impedance, maintain trace widths and trace spacing.

Minimize any stubs to avoid reflected signals.

Connections between the USB connector shell and signal ground must be done near the USB connector.

Bypass/flyback caps on VBUS, near connector, are recom- mended.

DPLUS and DMINUS trace lengths should be kept to within 2 mm of each other in length, with preferred length of 20–30 mm.

Maintain a solid ground plane under the DPLUS and DMINUS traces. Do not allow the plane to be split under these traces.

No vias should be placed on the DPLUS or DMINUS trace routing unless absolutely necessary.

Isolate the DPLUS and DMINUS traces from all other signal traces as much as possible.

Quad Flat Package No Leads (QFN) Package Design Notes

Electrical contact of the part to the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) is made by soldering the leads on the bottom surface of the package to the PCB. Hence, special attention is required to the

heat transfer area below the package to provide a good thermal bond to the circuit board. A Copper (Cu) fill is to be designed into the PCB as a thermal pad under the package. Heat is transferred from the NX2LP-Flex to the PCB through the device’s metal paddle on the bottom side of the package. It is then conducted from the PCB’s thermal pad to the inner ground plane by a 5 x 5 array of vias. A via is a plated through hole in the PCB with a finished diameter of 13 mil. The QFN’s metal die paddle must be soldered to the PCB’s thermal pad. Solder mask is placed on the board top side over each via to resist solder flow into the via. The mask on the top side also minimizes outgassing during the solder reflow process.

For further information on this package design please refer to the application note Surface Mount Assembly of AMKOR’s MicroLeadFrame (MLF) Technology. This application note can be downloaded from AMKOR’s website from the following URL: MLF_AppNote_0902.pdf.

The application note provides detailed information on board mounting guidelines, soldering flow, rework process, etc.

Figure 21 below displays a cross-sectional area underneath the package. The cross section is of only one via. The solder paste template needs to be designed to allow at least 50% solder coverage. The thickness of the solder paste template should be 5 mil. It is recommended that ‘No Clean’ type 3 solder paste is used for mounting the part. Nitrogen purge is recommended during reflow.

Figure 22 is a plot of the solder mask pattern and Figure 23 displays an X-Ray image of the assembly (darker areas indicate solder)

Figure 21. Cross-section of the Area Underneath the QFN Package.

0.017” dia

Solder Mask

Cu Fill

Cu Fill

PCB Material

Via hole for thermally connecting the QFN to the circuit board ground plane.

0.013” dia

PCB Material

This figure only shows the top three layers of the

circuit board: Top Solder, PCB Dielectric, and the Ground Plane.


16.Source for recommendations: EZ-USB FX2™PCB Design Recommendations, and High Speed USB Platform Design Guidelines,

Document #: 001-04247 Rev. *D

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Contents CY7C68033 Only Silicon Features CY7C68033/CY7C68034 Silicon FeaturesBlock Diagram CY7C68034 Only Silicon FeaturesOverview Default Nand Firmware FeaturesApplications Special Function Registers USB Signaling SpeedFunctional Overview Clock FrequencyOEB DPL1 OEC DPH1 OED DPS OEE IOA IOB IOC IODPSW ACC Exif INT2CLR IOE SBUF1 Mpage INT4CLR OEAReNumeration Default Silicon ID Values Default VID/PID/DIDBus-powered Applications Default Silicon ID ValuesFIFO/GPIF Interrupt INT4 INT2 USB InterruptsUSB Interrupt Table for INT2 Priority INT2VEC Value SourceReset Pin Reset and WakeupProgram/Data RAM Reset Timing Values ConditionRegister Addresses Endpoint RAM Default Full-Speed Alternate Settings2External Fifo Interface Default High-Speed Alternate Settings2Gpif ECC Generation5 Autopointer AccessI2C Controller Pin Assignments Feature programmable polarityCY7C68033/CY7C68034 Type NX2LP-Flex Pin Descriptions 56 QFN Default PinPin Default Description Name NandPort a Port D Port BGround Power and GroundNX2LP-Flex Register Summary Register SummaryRegister can only be reset, it cannot be set Nakirq EP0CS E6CD Flowstbperiod SEL Operating Conditions Absolute Maximum RatingsAC Electrical Characteristics DC CharacteristicsUSB Transceiver Slave Fifo Asynchronous Write Slave Fifo Asynchronous ReadSlave Fifo Asynchronous Packet End Strobe Slave Fifo Output EnableSlave Fifo Address to Flags/Data Slave Fifo Asynchronous Address FIFOADR10 to SLRD/SLWR/PKTEND Setup TimeRD/WR/PKTEND to FIFOADR10 Hold Time Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagram of a Single and Burst Asynchronous ReadSlave Fifo Asynchronous Write Sequence and Timing Diagram13 Sequence Diagram of a Single and Burst Asynchronous WriteOrdering Information Package DiagramQuad Flat Package No Leads QFN Package Design Notes PCB Layout Recommendations16Plot of the Solder Mask White Area Document History Issue Date Orig. Description of ChangeREV ECN no