Cypress CY7C65113C manual Clocking, Power-on Reset, Xtalout, Xtalin

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(pin 1)



To Internal PLL

(pin 2)

30 pF

30 pF

Figure 6-1. Clock Oscillator On-Chip Circuit

The XTALIN and XTALOUT are the clock pins to the microcontroller. The user can connect an external oscillator or a crystal to these pins. When using an external crystal, keep PCB traces between the chip leads and crystal as short as possible (less than 2 cm). A 6-MHz fundamental frequency parallel resonant crystal can be connected to these pins to provide a reference frequency for the internal PLL. The two internal 30-pF load caps appear in series to the external crystal and would be equivalent to a 15-pF load. Therefore, the crystal must have a required load capacitance of about 15–18 pF. A ceramic resonator does not allow the microcontroller to meet the timing specifications of full speed USB and therefore a ceramic resonator is not recommended with these parts.

An external 6-MHz clock can be applied to the XTALIN pin if the XTALOUT pin is left open. Grounding the XTALOUT pin when driving XTALIN with an oscillator does not work because the internal clock is effectively shorted to ground.


The CY7C65113C supports two resets: POR and WDR. Each of these resets causes:

all registers to be restored to their default states

the USB device addresses to be set to 0

all interrupts to be disabled

the PSP and DSP to be set to memory address 0x00.

The occurrence of a reset is recorded in the Processor Status and Control Register, as described in Section. Bits 4 and 6 are used to record the occurrence of POR and WDR respectively. Firmware can interrogate these bits to determine the cause of a reset.

Program execution starts at ROM address 0x0000 after a reset. Although this looks like interrupt vector 0, there is an important difference. Reset processing does NOT push the program counter, carry flag, and zero flag onto program stack. The firmware reset handler should configure the hardware before the “main” loop of code. Attempting to execute a RET or RETI in the firmware reset handler causes unpredictable execution results.

7.1Power-on Reset

When VCC is first applied to the chip, the POR signal is asserted and the CY7C65113C enters a “semi-suspend” state. During the semi-suspend state, which is different from the suspend state defined in the USB specification, the oscillator and all other blocks of the part are functional, except for the CPU. This semi-suspend time ensures that both a valid VCC level is reached and that the internal PLL has time to stabilize before full operation begins. When the VCC has risen above approximately 2.5V, and the oscillator is stable, the POR is deasserted and the on-chip timer starts counting. The first 1 ms of suspend time is not interruptible, and the semi-suspend state continues for an additional 95 ms unless the count is bypassed by a USB Bus Reset on the upstream port. The 95 ms provides time for VCC to stabilize at a valid operating voltage before the chip executes code.

If a USB Bus Reset occurs on the upstream port during the 95 ms semi-suspend time, the semi-suspend state is aborted and program execution begins immediately from address 0x0000. In this case, the Bus Reset interrupt is pending but not serviced until firmware sets the USB Bus Reset Interrupt Enable bit (Bit 0, Figure 14-1) and enables interrupts with the EI command.

The POR signal is asserted whenever VCC drops below approximately 2.5V, and remains asserted until VCC rises above this level again. Behavior is the same as described above.

Document #: 38-08002 Rev. *D

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Contents Cypress Semiconductor Corporation USB Hub with MicrocontrollerCY7C65113C 19.0 16.017.0 18.0List of Tables Features USB Functional OverviewGpio I2CLogic Block Diagram Top View CY7C65113C 28-pin Soic Pin ConfigurationsProduct Summary Tables Pin AssignmentsI/O Register Summary Operand Opcode Cycles Instruction Set SummaryInstruction Set Summary Mnemonic14-bit Program Counter Programming ModelKB -32 Prom ends here CY7C65113C Program Memory begins here8-bit Accumulator a 8-bit Temporary Register8-bit Program Stack Pointer PSP 8-bit Data Stack Pointer DSP Address ModesMOV A, Dspinit Xtalin Power-on ResetClocking XtaloutWatchdog Reset Suspend ModeGeneral-purpose I/O Ports Port 0,1 Low IsinkPort 0 Data Address Gpio Configuration Address Gpio Configuration Port10.0 12-bit Free-Running Timer Gpio Interrupt Enable PortsPort 0 Interrupt Enable 2C Configuration Address 11.0 I2C Configuration RegisterTimer LSB Address Timer MSB AddressACK 12.0 I2C-compatible ControllerI2C Data Address 2C Status and Control AddressContinue/Busy Write 1 to indicate ready for next transaction Processor Status and Control Register Processor Status and Control Address 0xFFIRQ Global Interrupt Enable Register Address USB Endpoint Interrupt Enable AddressInterrupts Interrupt Vectors Interrupt Controller Function DiagramUSB Bus Reset Interrupt Timer InterruptInterrupt Latency 14.8 I2C Interrupt USB Endpoint InterruptsUSB Hub Interrupt Gpio InterruptACK/NAK/STALL USB OverviewUSB Serial Interface Engine SIE USB EnumerationConnecting/Disconnecting a USB Device USB HubHub Ports Connect Status Hub Downstream Ports Status and Control Hub Ports Enable Register AddressHub Ports Enable Register Enabling/Disabling a USB DeviceHub Downstream Ports Control Register Address 0x4B Hub Ports Force LowHub Ports SE0 Status Address 0x4F Hub Ports Suspend Address 0x4D Downstream Port Suspend and ResumeHub Ports Data Hub Ports Data RegisterUSB Upstream Port Status and Control Hub Ports Resume Address 0x4EUSB Status and Control Address 0x1F USB Device Address Device A, B Addresses 0x10A and 0x40B USB Serial Interface Engine OperationUSB Device Addresses USB Device EndpointsUSB Control Endpoint Mode Registers USB Device Endpoint Zero Mode A0, B0Size Label Start Address Stall USB Non-control Endpoint Mode RegistersUSB Non-control Device Endpoint Mode USB Endpoint Counter RegistersEndpoint Mode/Count Registers Update and Locking Mechanism SetupUpdate Data Set Update only if Fifo is WrittenData SetSetup OUT USB Mode TablesDtog Dval Count Dtog Dval Count Endpoint Ports Register SummaryLOW Absolute Maximum Ratings Sample SchematicUpstream/Downstream Port Electrical CharacteristicsParameter Description Conditions Min Max Unit General USB InterfaceParameter Description Min Max Unit Clock Source Switching Characteristics fOSC = 6.0 MHzUSB Full-speed Signaling10 Timer SignalsCY7C65113C-SXCT Package DiagramOrdering Information Ordering Code Prom Size Package Type Operating RangeIssue Date Orig. Description of Change Document HistoryREV ECN no