Integrated Devices Screen
Menu Item | Description |
Integrated RAID | Allows you to enable or disable the integrated RAID controller. By default, the |
Controller | Integrated RAID Controller option is set to Enabled. |
User Accessible | Allows you enable or disable the user accessible USB ports. Selecting Only Back |
USB Ports | Ports On disables the front USB ports and selecting All Ports Off disables both |
| front and back USB ports. By default, the User Accessible USB Ports option is set to |
| All Ports On. |
Internal USB Port | Allows you to enable or disable the internal USB port. By default, the Internal USB |
| Port option is set to On. |
Internal SD Card | Enables or disables the system’s internal SD card port. By default, Internal SD Card |
Port | Port option is set to On. |
| NOTE: This option is displayed only if IDSDM is installed on the system board. |
Internal SD Card | If set to Mirror mode, data is written on both SD cards. If any one of the SD card |
Redundancy | fails, data is written to the active SD card. Data from this card is copied to the |
| replacement SD card at the next boot. By default, Internal SD Card Redundancy |
| option is set to Mirror. |
| NOTE: This option is displayed only if IDSDM is installed on the system board. |
Integrated | Allows you to enable or disable the integrated network card 1. By default, the |
Network Card 1 | Integrated Network Card 1 option is set to Enabled. |
OS Watchdog | Allows you to enable or disable the OS watchdog timer. When this field is enabled, |
Timer | the operating system initializes the timer and the OS watchdog timer helps in |
| recovering the operating system. By default, the OS Watchdog Timer option is set |
| to Disabled. |
Embedded Video | Allows you to enable or disable the Embedded Video Controller. By default, the |
Controller | embedded video controller is Enabled. |
Allows you to enable or disable the BIOS configuration of Single Root I/O | |
Enable | Virtualization |
| to Disabled. |
Memory Mapped | Allows you to enable support for PCIe devices that require large amounts of |
I/O above 4GB | memory. By default, the option is set to Enabled. |
Slot Disablement | Allows you to enable or disable available PCIe slots on your system. The Slot |
| Disablement feature controls the configuration of PCIe cards installed in the |
| specified slot. |
| CAUTION: Slot disablement must be used only when the installed peripheral |
| card is preventing booting into the Operating System or causing delays in |
| system startup. If the slot is disabled, both the Option ROM and UEFI driver |
| are disabled. |