PaperJet 300 user guide ~ Edition 3.2 ~ 25th july ’01 ~ 3693
Error codes
The activity report may show error codes. The chart shows you what they mean.
Code | Meaning | Action |
10 | No response from | Contact the other party |
| the other machine. | to make sure the machine |
| can receive. |
12 | No response. |
19 | The memory became | Check that the ink or |
| full when receive a fax. | paper hasn’t run out. |
| Ask the other party to |
| send a fax in stages. |
20Stop button pressed while fax was being sent or received.
21 | Original document | Remove and try |
| jammed. | sending again. |
27 | Delayed fax cancelled. |
29Power was turned off while a fax was being sent from the memory.
30s | Printing quality poor | If this code appears |
| due to bad telephone | frequently contact |
| line. | your network operator |
| help line (151 for BT |
| residential customers, |
| 154 for BT business |
| customers) |
40’s | Problem with other | Try resending the |
| fax machine. | fax later. Or ask them |
| to try sending you the |
| fax again. |
50s | Fax stopped by | Try resending the fax |
| other machine. | later. Or ask them to try |
| Line disconnected. | sending you the fax again. |
71 | Other machine is | Contact the other party. |
| not compatible. |