This manual contains instructions for changing interfaces, barcodes for customizing the SP400RF scanner's operation and a listing of standard factory settings. It is important to note that many of the features and programming labels contained here are identical to those available for other SP400 models. Since the SP400RF contains software enhance- ments and characteristics that set it apart from other models, it is recom- mended that this guide be used as the sole source of programming labels and information (except for other SP400RF
The organization of this manual is intended to support a variety of users while making it quick and easy to find the information you need. Look at the descriptions that follow to find where to go from here.
If you do not regularly use barcode labels to configure (program) scan- ners, it will be very helpful to read the introductory portions of this manual prior to beginning your programming session. In addition to the information that follows, information of specific interest to you is titled:
—Integrating Peripherals with Host Systems
—Changing Interfaces
—Customizing Your Scanner Operation
—Programming Overview
—What is Programming Mode?
—How to Program Using Barcodes
—The Programming Session
—Scanner Response When in Programming Mode
—If You Make A Mistake
—Where to Go From Here
It is important that you understand that the scanner must contain software that supports a specific interface in order to use that interface.
Next, turn to Appendix A, Standard Factory Settings, which contains a complete factory default configuration listing. Assuming that your scanner is configured using the standard factory settings, use this list to identify any changes or additions you need to make.
Then, locate the programming labels you need and change the necessary settings. Once you have completed these steps, you can begin scanning.
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