Ultratec PRO80TM manual Using Caller ID, About Caller ID, Turning on Caller ID

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If you have subscribed to Caller ID service from your telephone company, you can view the information right on the Superprint Pro80 display. No additional hardware is required!

When you subscribe to Caller ID service, information about the people who call you is displayed while the Superprint Pro80 ring flasher flashes, before you answer a call. Then, this information is saved along with the date and time of the call so you can review it later. Up to 99 Caller ID entries are saved. When more calls are received, the oldest entries are erased to make room for the new ones.

Caller ID information includes the phone number of the caller. Phone companies offer different options for Caller ID. Some Caller ID services provide the caller’s name. The Superprint Pro80 is compatible with both options. Because different Caller ID services are available, check with your telephone company if you have questions about what is included with your service.


Once you have subscribed to Caller ID service, turn on Caller ID to begin displaying and saving Caller ID information.

Caller ID is available from your telephone company.

The Superprint Pro80 allows you to view Caller ID information only if you subscribe to the service through your telephone company.

Why does my display look different?

1.Hold down the Program key and press the Caller ID button.

CALLER ID <OFF> is displayed.

2.Press the Spacebar to change the option to <ON>. Then, press

Enter . ** CALLER ID IS ON ** is displayed.















Caller ID
















































































Hold down

If you have Auto- Answer on in addition to Caller ID, you will see more information on your display. The display might look like this: AA ON 1 NEW CALL 0 NEW MSGS. For more information on Auto-Answer, please see Chapter 7.

U S I N G C A L L E R I D • 3 5

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Contents Using Your Superprint PRO80 First Edition August First Printing Ultratec, Inc AcknowledgementTable of Contents Troubleshooting Battery CareTurning Off the Auto-Answer Relay Voice Remote Message Retrieval OptionGeneral Precautions Safety InstructionsBattery Precautions F E T Y I N S T R U C T I O N S i iS a F E T Y I N S T R U C T I O N S Introduction FeaturesAuto-Answer Relay Voice AnnouncerCall Progress Keyboard Dialing and RedialingBack View Overview of the Superprint PRO80Front View Special Function Buttons T R O D U C T I O N N T R O D U C T I O N T U P SetupConnecting Power & Phone Line Connecting a Telephone Setting Pulse or Tone DialingConnecting a Signaler Determining Telephone Line TypeWhen opening a new roll of paper Installing Printer PaperWhy are Date & Time important? Setting the Date & TimePlacing a Call Calling & AnsweringDial a Number that You Type You have three options with the Dial buttonA L L I N G & a N S W E R I N G Dial a Number that is Saved in the DirectoryWhat are GA and SK? REDIALING... is displayed followed by the telephone number Redial the Last NumberAutomatically Redial Automatically Redial a Busy NumberSpecial Dialing Requirements Call ProgressAnswering a Call Conversation EtiquetteAbout Conversations Conversation MemoryReviewing Conversations Clearing Conversation MemoryInterrupting During a Conversation InterruptingResponding to an Interrupt Message Turning off InterruptAdvanced Calling Using the Greeting to Answer a CallGreeting Editing the Greeting MessageRelay Voice Announcer Voice AnnouncerAnswering a Call with the Relay Voice Announcer Help people recognize a TTY callSend Memo What is a Memo?Emergency Dial Programming the Relay Voice Announcer Phone NumberProgramming the Emergency Number Relay Dial with E-TURBOTurning E-Turbo On Programming the E-Turbo Relay Phone NumberAvailable User Preference Settings Placing a Call Using Relay Dial with E-TurboProgramming the Relay Phone Number Placing a Call Using Relay DialPress Enter . ** Relay Number Saved ** is displayed Place a Relay call with one buttonTransferring Calls WAY CallingWait for Response D V a N C E D C a L L I N G Using Memos Using MemosSaving a NEW Memo I N G M E M O S 2Printing a Memo Editing a MemoClearing a Memo You can print all of the Memos at onceSaving a NEW Telephone Number Using the Directory800 555-HEAR 800Printing a Directory Entry Editing a NumberClearing a Directory Entry Clearing the Dialing DirectoryHOW AUTO-ANSWER Works Using AUTO-ANSWERAUTO-ANSWER Memory Auto-Answer does not record voice messagesTurning AUTO-ANSWER OFF Turning AUTO-ANSWER onReviewing Messages Editing the Outgoing MessageSaving a Password Setting the Number of RingsCan I check messages when I am away from home? Reading Auto-Answer Messages RemotelyHere is a Sample About Caller ID Using Caller IDTurning on Caller ID Caller ID OFF is displayedPress the Caller ID button when Auto- Answer is also on When Receiving CallsViewing Caller ID Information Reviewing Caller ID EntriesEnter . **CLEARED** is displayed You can print all of the Caller ID entries in memoryDisplay This is Shows this Meaning Caller ID Displays6085551234 Ultratec INCWhat is VCO? What is REQUIRED?Over VCO You will needUsing the Telecommunications Relay Service TRS HOW to Place a VCO CallCalling Directly Person I am calling does not have a TTYWhere can I learn more about VCO? Is there an additional charge for using VCO and TRS?What is HCO? VCO InformationS I N G V O I C E C a R R Y O V E R V C O Options Button There are several features programmed by the Options buttonCode Set the ClockTurbo Turbo CodeAuto ID Leave Auto ID on all the timeDialing Prefix Dial UsingInterrupt Printer ButtonPrint Font Print CasePrint Dialing Directory Print all Caller ID EntriesPrint all Conversations Print all MemosSticky Keys Communication Codes Using CodesTurbo Code About Turbo CodeAscii Optional Baudot CodeSelecting Turbo Lock About AsciiAscii Options Troubleshooting Ascii Calls Care & Repair Battery CareChecking the Batteries R E & R E P a I R 5A R E & R E P a I R Exercising the BatteriesReplacing the batteries Cleaning Resetting the Superprint PRO80Are you sure you want to reset your Superprint Pro80? Clearing ALL MemoryDialing Problems TroubleshootingDisplay/Connection Problems RepairPower Problems Printer ProblemsA R E & R E P a I R Specifications FCC Information Specification SD E X 6 IndexMessage. See Auto-Answer or Memos N D EPage Program KEY Quick Reference