Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD
Table 4.31 – Continued |
| ||
Attribute ID | Access Rule | Name | Data | Description of | Semantics of Value | |
Type | Attribute | |||||
| |||
21 | Get/Set | DO_ESD_ | BOOL | Command emer- | Section 4.2.9 | |
| Poll_Cnxn |
| gency shutdown |
| ||
| from |
| |
| Poll Connection |
| |
22 | Get/Set | DO_ESD_ | BOOL | Command emer- | Section 4.2.9 | |
| Bit_Strobe_Cnxn |
| gency shutdown |
| ||
| from |
| |
| ||
| Connection |
| |
23 | Get/Set | Enable_ | BOOL | Enable device to | Section 4.2.9 | |
| Broadcast_ |
| be a part of the | 0 = Disable (Default) | |
| ESD_Ctrl |
| broadcast | 1 = Enable | |
| ESD control scheme |
| |
| from |
| |
| Connection |
4.4Transducer Block Object
Table 4.32
Attribute ID
Access Rule
Data Type
Semantics of Value
| 1 | RW | Setp_Cutoff_Dec | UINT | When the servo | Range 0 – 1000 |
| setpoint goes below | Default = 0 |
| the defined percent |
| of span, the position |
| goes to the limit |
| position CLOSE |
| 2 | RW | Setp_Cutoff_Inc | UINT | When the servo | Range 0 – 1000 |
| setpoint goes above | Default = 0 |
| the defined percent |
| of span, the position |
| goes to the limit |
| position OPEN |
| 3 | RO | Scaled_values_0 | WORD | APT/ATT scaling | See Table 4.33 |
| information |
| 4 | RO | Scaled_values_1 | WORD | APT (Modbus | Engineering Use |
| Register 3) |
| 5 | RO | Scaled_values_2 | WORD | ATT (Modbus | Engineering Use |
| Register 4) |
| 6 | RO | TP_Status_0 | UINT | Reserved | Engineering Use |
| 7 | RO | TP_Status_1 | UINT | Start_Position | Engineering Use |
| 8 | RO | TP_Status_2 | UINT | Stop_Position | Engineering Use |
| 9 | RO | TP_Status_3 | UINT | Num_Samples | Engineering Use |
| 10 | RO | TP_Status_4 | UINT | Max_Torque_Mid | Engineering Use |
| 11 | RO | TP_Status_5 | UINT | Max_Torque | Engineering Use |
| Postion |
| 12 | RO | TP_Status_6 | UINT | Avg_Torque | Engineering Use |
| 13 | RO | TP_Status_7 | UINT | Stop_Torque | Engineering Use |
| 14 | RO | TP_Status_8 | UINT | Max_Torque_BOT | Engineering Use |
| 15 | RO | TP_Status_9 | UINT | Maz_Torque_EOR | Engineering Use |
| 16 | RO | TQ_Status_0 | UINT | Reserved | Engineering Use |
| 17 | RO | TQ_Status_1 | UINT | MB_TQ_Close_ | Engineering Use |
| Avg_Last |
26 | 18 | RO | TQ_Status_2 | UINT | MB_TQ_Open_Avg_ | Engineering Use |
| Last |
| 19 | RO | TQ_Status_3 | UINT | MB_TQ_Open_ | Engineering Use |
| Peak_Last |
| Continued on next page |