Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05
CIP Common Industrial Protocol
CAN Controller Area Network
COS Change of State
ODVA Open DeviceNet Vendor Association
UCMM Unconnected Message Manager
NV-RO Non-Volatile Read Only. Data is stored in non-volatile memory and can only be read. Data is stored during Power-Off. For DeviceNet Limitorque Interface this storage area is FLASH
NV-RW Non-Volatile Read Write. Data is stored in non-volatile memory and can be read and write.
Data is stored during Power-Off. For DeviceNet Limitorque Interface this storage area is EEPROM
V-RO Volatile Read Only. Data is stored in volatile memory and can only be read (e.g. Status). Data is lost during Power-Off. For DeviceNet Limitorque Interface this storage area is RAM
V-RW Volatile Read Write. Data is stored in volatile memory and can be read and write data is lost during Power-Off, for DeviceNet Limitorque Interface this storage area is RAM.
DNFU DeviceNet Field Unit (PCB w/in actuator control compartment)
SPI Synchronous Peripheral Interface
PCB Printed Circuit Board