Integrating the Solar Inverter in the PV System
Rating of the PV Generator
The technical data of the selected PV generator must be compatible with the specification of the Solar Inverter (see Technical Data). An incompatible rating may reduce the yield or destroy the device. The rating program Sunways NT Sundim can help you select the correct PV generator rating. You will find Sunways NT Sundim on the enclosed CD ROM or on our homepage www.sunways.de.
Prior to planning your system, please take the following considerations into account:
·Mind the orientation of the modules. In Central Europe, you will gain a maxi- mum yield if the module has a horizon- tal angle of 30° and the PV generator field points directly towards the south.
·The warmer the module gets, the smal- ler the output of the cells will be. Therefore, make sure your PV generator has sufficient back ventilation when you install it.
·Check your PV generator for contami- nation approximately every three years. Contamination mostly occurs on the lower edge of the module; it forms a veil that is not even washed off by heavy rain. A loss of yield can be pre- vented by cleaning the modules with a wet cloth or a brush.
·Make sure none of the modules or solar cells of your system are in the shade. That may lead to a significant loss of yield.
·The NT 10000 has three internal energy units that are supplied by three inde- pendent PV generators. The NT 10000 is based on the «MPP multitracking» prin- ciple; i. e. each inlet has its own MPP controller.