3.2Configuring the Solar Inverter
You can enter the following settings in your Solar Inverter:
·set RS485 address
·set date / time
·set display language
·set LCD contrast
·set total yield
Please note that the configuration can only be changed when the Solar Inverter is ope- rating. Alternatively, you can change these settings by using the enclosed software Sunways Monitor.
Setting the RS485 Address
To use the communication via the RS485 bus, the Solar Inverters must have consecu- tive RS485 addresses. That means, if you link three Solar Inverters together, their addresses must be 1, 2, 3. When delivered, address 1 is preset. To change the address, select the menu item «settings» / «RS485 address», and press the RIGHT arrow key to call up the «edit» mode. There, you can enter an address from 1 to 99.
Setting the Date / Time
To set the time or date, select the menu item «change settings» / «date/time», and move to the «edit» mode by pressing the RIGHT arrow key.
Setting the Display Language
To set the display language, select the menu item «change settings» / «lan- guage». Here, you can choose from the languages German, English, Spanish, French, and Italian by pressing the UP/DOWN arrow key. Confirm your input by pressing the RIGHT arrow key.
Setting the LCD Contrastt
If you wish to change the LCD contrast to improve the clarity of the display, select the menu item «change settings» / «LCD contrast». Press the RIGHT arrow key to activate the «edit» mode; then select the desired contrast by pressing the UP/DOWN arrow key. To confirm your input, press the RIGHT arrow key.
Setting the Total Yield
If your Solar Inverter needs to be replaced, you can take over the total yield from the