Generic Scanner Troubleshooting Tips
Most problems that you might encounter with your scanner can be solved using the following procedures:
Try scanning other bar codes. If your scanner can scan other types of bar code symbologies, but cannot scan your bar codes, first check to see if your particular bar code symbology is enabled. If it is, try the scanner on the same bar code type in the Bar Code Test Chart in the back of this manual. Then, insure that your bar codes are crisp and clear.
Reset to Factory Default. Scan the “Factory Default” bar code on page 62 to reset your scanner back to factory default. Caution: This procedure will erase special configurations that you would have created.
Test the scanner on other ports. Unitech scanners are built to the highest standards, and a perceived scanner malfunction may actually be a malfunction in the host computer.
Test the scanner on the host’s other ports if possible or, in necessary, on other systems to verify that the problem is actually in the scanner and not in the host computer.
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