WEP (Wireless Encryption Protocol) is a security key for com- municating with an access point. If the correct key is not presented, communication is denied. Because WEP is used for security reasons, it must be obtained from your Network Admin- istrator.
Authentification Type
If WEP (see above) is used, then the security key can be presented to the AP in three different ways:
zDisabled - means communication with the AP is not possible if WEP is on because the security key will not be presented.
zAuto - means the MS860 will automatically present the security key when requested by the Access Point.
zOn - means that the security key is always presented by the MS860, whether it is requested or not.
You might want to note the following information for future reference. This information is not strictly necessary, but might be useful in order to maintain order over several MS860 units.
Alias is merely a name for the scanner that would be more easily recognizable than an IP Address. For instance: “Fred’s MS860”, “S103”, or
Contact is the name of the IT person or Network Administrator that you would go to in case of trouble.
Location is the usual location of the scanner, be it the “Ware- house”, “Virginia’s Office”, or wherever.
SNMP Community
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a software tool to manage wireless networks. If your Network Administrator is using SNMP, then they will be able to give you your SNMP Community name.
MS860 WiFi Manual | 12 |