Zebra Technologies Z6M manual Order to avoid abrasion

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Next, press the swab tip against the printhead and swipe the print elements from end to end. Then, turn the platen rollers while wiping them from side to side. Repeat this step until the swab no longer shows dirt.


Abrasion: Over time, the movement of media/ribbon across the printhead wears through the protective ceramic coating, exposing and eventually damaging the print elements (dots).

In order to avoid abrasion:

Clean your printhead frequently and use well-lubricated thermal transfer ribbons with backcoatings optimized to reduce friction.

Minimize printhead pressure and burn temperature settings by optimizing the bal- ance between the two.

Ensure that the thermal transfer ribbon is as wide or wider than the label media to prevent exposing the elements to the more abrasive label material.

Ribbon Backcoating and Buildup: Printhead contamination from direct thermal media or thermal transfer ribbon may occur in applications requiring high burn settings, high head pressure, high speed, or high volume. This contamination builds up on the printhead elements, creating a barrier to the heat transformation required to produce high quality images. Contaminant buildup occurs gradually and results in poor print quality that may look like faded print or failed print element(s). This build up is very resistant to cleaning with the pre-soaked swabs and is difficult to remove.

In order to avoid ribbon backcoating and buildup:

Use thermal transfer ribbons that have been specially cured to provide backcoat protection for high demand applications. These ribbons — sometimes referred to as anti-stick ribbons — also dissipate static and provide more lubrication.

Follow the recommended Printhead Preventive Maintenance procedures.

Use our Save-a-Printheadcleaning film to remove printhead contamination buildup quickly and easily.

Zebra Z4M/Z6M Printers User’s Guide


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Contents Customer order # 11356L Manufacturer 11356LB Rev 3URSULHWDU\6WDWHPHQW Zebra Z4M/Z6M Printers User’s Guide Iii Zebra Z4M/Z6M Printers User’s Guide 2AO’lÍŸyÍŸ›Ïl›ÏÆ ÆÏAO’‹Æˆ‹›€ÍŸ--Ø›‹YAÏ‹Ÿ› ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³Ê Communications Diagnostics Test Viii Zebra Z4M/Z6M Printers User’s Guide +HOOR ’YŸ-l8QSDFNLQJDQG,QVSHFWLRQ 5HSRUWLQJDPDJH 0HGLDDQG5LEERQ5HTXLUHPHQWV6WRUDJH 3ULQWHU3RZHU 3ULQWHU2YHUYLHZ 3XUSRVH ’‹OÃAÏ‹›€ÍψlÍ-Ë›ÏlÃ1RQ&RQWLQXRXVHE0HGLD \SHVRI0HGLDRQWLQXRXV0HGLD 1RQ&RQWLQXRXV%ODFN0DUN0HGLDRDGLQJWKH0HGLD KRRVLQJWKH3ULQW0RGH5HIOHFWLYH6HQVRU 3RVLWLRQLQJWKH0HGLD6HQVRU7UDQVPLVVLYH6HQVRU $GMXVWLQJWKH5HIOHFWLYH6HQVRURDGLQJWKH5LEERQ $XWR&DOLEUDWLRQ URQW3DQHO 2SHUDWRU&RQWUROVRQILJXULQJWKH3ULQWHU 3ULQWLQJD7HVW/DEHO RQILJXULQJWKH6RIWZDUHRU3ULQWHUULYHUZebra Z4M/Z6M Printers User’s Guide DWD6SHFLILFDWLRQV ÆÏAO’‹Æˆ‹›€ÍŸ--Ø›‹YAÏ‹Ÿ›\VWHP&RQVLGHUDWLRQV QwhuidfhvDEOLQJ5HTXLUHPHQWV URQW3DQHO ‹›ÏlÃÍAÆ‹YÆURQW3DQHOLVSOD\ URQW3DQHO.H\V Error PowerURQW3DQHO/LJKWV 7HDURII0RGH 5ROO0HGLD/RDGLQJXWWHU0RGH 9DOXH3HHORII0RGH Zebra Z4M/Z6M Printers User’s Guide LQHU7DNHXS0RGH Liner Removal 3RZHU3HHO5HZLQG3HHO0RGH Peel Spindle Assembly Printhead Rewind Media 3RZHU3HHO5HZLQG5HZLQG0RGH Media Removal DQIROG0HGLD/RDGLQJ Rear Feed RDGLQJWKH5LEERQ 5LEERQ/RDGLQJRibbon Loaded 5LEERQ5HPRYDO QWHULQJWKH6HWXS0RGH ›y‹€ØÃAÏ‹Ÿ›KDQJLQJ3DVVZRUG3URWHFWHG3DUDPHWHUV HDYLQJWKH6HWXS0RGH RQILJXUDWLRQDQG&DOLEUDWLRQ6HTXHQFH Setting Print ParametersDefault +10 Default +0Sensor Select Default Tear-offDefault Web Selections Web, markPrint Width Listing Printer Information Initialize Card Initialize Memory CardInitialize Flash Memory Calibration Media and Ribbon Sensor CalibrationSensor Profile ManualDefault Setting Communication ParametersSetting Serial Communications Press the Increment + or Default RS-232Default XON/XOFF Default EvenDefault None Communications Network IDRange 00-FF Selecting Prefix and Delimiter CharactersRange 00 FF Default Feed Selecting ZPL ModeDefault ZPL Power-Up and Head Close ParametersLeft Position Label Positioning ParametersBackfeed Label TOPRibbon S LCD AdjustPassword Level WEB S Media SDefault All Default DynamicLanguage Default EnglishDefault Permanent Save SettingsOhdqlqj Direct Thermal Mode After every rollThermal Transfer Mode After every roll ŸØÏ‹›lÍAÃlÍA›cÍcØÆÏ-l›ÏÆ OHDQLQJWKH,QWHULRU Ohdqlqjwkhwhulru OHDQLQJWKH3ULQWKHDGDQG3ODWHQ5ROOHU OHDQLQJWKH6HQVRUV 3UHYHQWLYH0DLQWHQDQFH KdoohqjhOrder to avoid abrasion Save-a-Printhead Cleaning Film How to Order Save-a-Printhead Cleaning Film Kits OHDQLQJWKH3RZHU3HHO5HZLQG0RGXOH OHDQLQJWKH9DOXH3HHORII0RGXOH Technician OHDQLQJWKH&XWWHU0RGXOHXeulfdwlrq 3ULQWKHDG3UHVVXUH$GMXVWPHQW Z4M 5HZLQG0HGLD$OLJQPHQW XVH5HSODFHPHQW UURU&RQGLWLRQVDQGDUQLQJV 2ßØO’lƈŸŸÏ‹›€UURUFRQGLWLRQ³+$231 HQHUDOSULQWTXDOLW\LVVXHV 3ULQW4XDOLW\3UREOHPVLjkwfrqvlvwhqwyhuwlfdoolqhvuxqqlqjwkurxjkdooriwkhodehov UlqnohguleerqDoleudwlrq RPPXQLFDWLRQ3UREOHPVIodvkhvexwqrsulqwlqjrffxuv 3RZHU2Q6HOI7HVW 3ULQWHULDJQRVWLFV$GGLWLRQDO3ULQWHU6HOI7HVWV $1&/.H\6HOI7HVW $86.H\6HOI7HVW \6HOI7HVW RPPXQLFDWLRQVLDJQRVWLFV7HVW RDGLQJDFWRU\HIDXOWVZebra Z4M/Z6M Printers User’s Guide HQHUDO6SHFLILFDWLRQV 0lY‹y‹YAÏ‹Ÿ›Æ5LEERQ6SHFLILFDWLRQV 3ULQWLQJ6SHFLILFDWLRQV2SWLRQV 0HGLD6SHFLILFDWLRQVDufrghv =HEUD3URJUDPPLQJ/DQJXDJH=33RZHU/LQH&RUG6SHFLILFDWLRQV $&3RZHU&RUGZebra Z4M/Z6M Printers User’s Guide 3ULQWHU,QWHUIDFH7HFKQLFDO,QIRUPDWLRQ ›c‹à6HULDODWD&RPPXQLFDWLRQV 56,QWHUIDFH +DUGZDUH&RQWURO6LJQDOHVFULSWLRQV DB-25P Connector To Printer 3DUDOOHO,QWHUIDFH 3DUDOOHODWD&RPPXQLFDWLRQVZebra Z4M/Z6M Printers User’s Guide ›clà Zebra Z4M/Z6M Printers User’s Guide Zebra Z4M/Z6M Printers User’s Guide Zebra Z4M/Z6M Printers User’s Guide Dufrghodehosulqwhusulqwkhdgv Warranty Information6XSSOLHV3URGXFWV DUUDQW\FOXVLRQV&RQGLWLRQV6WDWHPHQW Warranty Information Printer Software and Firmware License Agreement Printer Software and Firmware License Agreement Printer Software and Firmware License Agreement Printer Software and Firmware License Agreement