TS32M~1GCF80 |
| 80X CompactFlash Card | ||||||
| |
| Address | Data | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 0 | Description of Contents | CIS function | |
| 07Eh | 0Ch | Reserved |
| D | U | S | V | D=0: single drive on card | TPLFE_TYPE | ||
| U=1: unique serial number |
| S=1: silicon device |
| V=00: no VPP required |
| 080h | 0Fh | R | I | E | N | P |
| I=0: twin IOIS16# unspecified | TPLFE_TYPE | |
| E=0: index bit not emulated |
| N=0: I/O includes 0x3F7 |
| P=F(1111):low power, sleep, standby, idle |
| supported |
| 082h | 1Ah | CISTPL_CONFIG |
| Configuration Tuple | Tuple code | |||||
| 084h | 05h | TPL_LINK |
| Link length is 5 bytes | Link to next tuple | |||
| 086h | 01h | RFS RMS RAS |
| RFS: reserved | Size of fields | ||||
| RMS: 1 byte register mask | TPCC_SZ | |
| RAS: 2 bytes base address |
| 088h | 03h | TPCC_LAST |
| Last configuration entry is 03H | Last entry index | |||
| 08Ah | 00h | TPCC_RADR (LSB) |
| Configuration registers are | Configuration | |||||
| 08Ch | 02h | TPCC_RADR (MSB) |
| Located at 0200H | Register location | |||||
| 08Eh | 0Fh | TPCC_RMSK |
| Configuration registers 0 to 3 | Configuration register | ||||
| are present | present mask | |
| 090h | 1Bh | CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY | Configuration tuple | Tuple code | |||||||
| 092h | 08h | CISTPL_LINK |
| Link length is 8 bytes | Link to next tuple | ||||
| 094h | C0h | I | D | Configuration Index | Memory mapped configuration, | Configuration Table | |||||
| index=0 | Index Byte | |
| I=1: Interface byte follows | TPCE_INDX | |
| D=1: Default entry |
| 096h | C0h | W | R | P | B | Interface type | W=1: wait required | Interface | |||
| R=1: ready/busy active | Description | |
| P=0: WP not used | TPCE_IF | |
| B=0: BVD1, BVD2 not used |
| Type=0: Memory interface |
Transcend Information Inc. | 75 |