cwarranty extension up to 4 years Pulsar 4: in certain countries, the standard
c"Install" pack: offers the same functions as the
cadditional outlet block: to increase the number of output sockets to the Pulsar EX (consult our catalogue);
crack installation kit: this kit is used to install Pulsar EX in a
cPulsar EXB battery extension modules: Pulsar EXB modules helps boost the battery time of the Pulsar EX to meet your service continuity requirements;
cisolating transformer: designed to maintain complete galvanic isolation (input/ouput) of Pulsar EX fitted with a bypass
cUM Sensor environment monitoring unit: compatible with our
v remote reset of faulty devices (for example, a module in a hub stack),
v allocation of specific battery backup times to each output allowing early shutdown of
v programming of startup sequences so that systems can be started in a specific order or to prevent overloading caused by starting several devices simultaneously,
v monitoring the power supply to each protected device;
cMonitor Light™ : this
ccommunication cables: these cables are used for the
Contact your dealer for further information on these options.
Note: brand and product names are registered trademarks of their respective holders.
xii | Pulsar EX : 51032306XT/BB | MGE UPS SYSTEMS |