as the default machine.
19.Click Add.
If the printer driver does not work properly, uninstall the driver and reinstall it.
Follow steps below to uninstall the driver for Macintosh.
a)Make sure that the machine is connected to your computer and powered on.
b)Insert the supplied software CD into your
f)Enter the network key and click OK.
g)The Samsung Installer window opens. Click Continue.
h)Select Uninstall and click Uninstall.
i)When the message which warns that all applications will close on your computer appears, click Continue.
j)When the uninstall is done, click Quit.
Install Linux Driver
1.Make sure that the machine is connected to your network and powered on. Also, your machine’s IP address should have been set.
2.From the Samsung website, download the Unified Linux Driver package to your computer.
3.Right click the Unified Linux Driver package and extract the package.
4.Double click cdroot > autorun.
5.The Samsung Installer window opens. Click Continue.
6.The Add printer wizard window opens. Click Next.
7.Select Network printer and click Search button.
8.The Printer’s IP address and model name appears on list field.
9.Select your machine and click Next.
10.Input the printer description and Next
11.When the add printer is done, click Finish
12.When the install is done, click Finish
Add network Printer
2.Click Add Printer…
3.The Add printer wizard window opens. Click Next.
4.Select Network printer and click the Search button.
5.The printer’s IP address and model name appears on list field.
6.Select your machine and click Next.
7.Input the printer description and Next
8.When the add printer is done, click Finish.
To use UNIX Printer Driver, you have to install the UNIX printer driver package first, then setup the printer. You can download the UNIX Printer Driver package from the Samsung website.
Installing the UNIX printer driver package
Installation procedure is common for all variants of UNIX OS mentioned.
1.From the Samsung website, download and unpack the UNIX Printer Driver package to your computer.
2.Acquire root privileges. su -
3.Copy appropriate driver archive to the target UNIX computer.
See administration guide of your UNIX OS for details.
4.Unpack the UNIX printer driver package.
For example, on IBM AIX use the following command(without “). cd /tmp
gzip -d < "package name" tar xf -
The “binaries” folder consists of binz, install, share files and folders.
5.Copy the “binaries” folder to any local folder.
6.Change to the driver’s “binaries” directory. cd aix_power/binaries
7.Run the install script.
install is the installer script file which is used to install or uninstall the UNIX Printer Driver package.
Use “chmod 755 install” command to give the permission to the installer script.
8.Execute the “. /install
9.Run ‘installprinter’ from the command line. This will bring up the Add Printer Wizard window. Setup the printer in this window referring the procedure next.
On some UNIX OS, for example on Solaris 10 just added printer may not be enabled and/or may not accept jobs. In this case run the following two commands on the root terminal:
accept <printer_name> enable <printer_name>
Uninstalling the printer driver package
The uninstalling printer utility should be used to delete the printer installed in the system.
a)Run “uninstallprinter” command from the terminal. It will open the Uninstall Printer Wizard
The installed printers are listed in the
b)Select the printer to be deleted.
c)Click Delete to delete the printer from the system.
d)Execute the “. /install
e)To verify uninstall results, execute the “. /install
Setting up the printer
To add the printer to your UNIX system, run ‘installprinter’ from the command line. This will bring up the Add Printer Wizard window. Setup the printer in this window according to the following steps:
1.Type the name of the printer.
2.Select appropriate printer model from model list.
3.Enter any decsription corresponding to the type of the printer in the Type field. This is optional.
4.Specify any printer description in the Description field. This is optional.
5.Specify printer location in the Location field.