5.5 Retail Search
The local retail search feature is provided for customers who wish to search video for specific products from the front panel of the DVMRe. The customer can select from predefined product names from predefined categories. To use this feature you must create a text file containing the categories (product types) and product names (sub levels) that you want to search. This file is then uploaded to the DVMRe via the web interface.
Text File Format
To create a retail search text file open Notepad or any other simple text editor. The file must be saved as a text only file. The
Example: #Ice_Cream Vanilla Chocolate_Chip #Soda Vanilla Root_Beer Orange
#Beer Draft Light Extra_Light
filename: retail_search.txt
Uploading/Downloading the retail_search .txt File
The retail search text file can be uploaded to the DVMRe unit via the Web interface. The index.ssi page will contain a link to the retail search page. Open the embedded web browser by typing the DVMRe’s IP address in the address field of your Internet browser.
Click here
This page will appear if no retail text file has previously been uploaded. To upload the file, click the Browse button and navigate to the file location. Once the file is selected, click on the Upload Retail Search File button.
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