Preparing | Nastavení videokamery |
Using the Battery Pack
Table of approximate continuous recording time based on model and battery type
PouÏívání akumulátoru
Tabulka pfiibliÏné délky nepfietrÏitého záznamu podle modelu kamery a typu akumulátoru
Model | Model | |||||
Battery Type | Battery | |||||
| |||
Approximately | Approximately | cca | cca | |||
150 minutes | 125 minutes | 150 minut | 125 minut | |||
| |||||
Approximately | Approximately | cca | cca | |||
220 minut | 180 minut | |||||
220 minutes | 180 minutes | |||||
| |||||
| |||
Approximately | Approximately | cca | cca | |||
430 minut | 370 minut | |||||
430 minutes | 370 minutes | |||||
| |||||
✤The continuous recording times given in the table are approximate. Actual recording time may differ depen- dent on camera settings and usage.
✤The battery pack should be recharged in a room tem- perature that is between 0°C and 40°C.
It should never be charged in a room temperature that is below 0°C.
✤The life and capacity of the battery pack will be reduced if it is used in temperatures below 0°C, even when it is fully recharged.
✤The life and capacity of the battery pack will be reduced if the battery pack is left in temperatures above 40°C for a long period, even when it is fully recharged.
✤Do not put the battery pack near any heat source (fire or flames, for example), or left in direct sunlight.
✤âasové údaje uvedené v tabulce jsou pouze orientaãní. Skuteãn˘ ãas bude závisl˘ na zpÛsobu pouÏití.
✤Akumulátor nabíjejte pfii pokojové teplotû (0 - 40°C), nikdy v‰ak pfii teplotû niωí neÏ 0°C.
✤Îivotnost a pouÏití akumulátoru se zkrátí, pouÏijete
✤Neodkládejte akumulátor blízko tepelného zdroje, napfi. ohnû.