11.LEG EXTENSION (15-125 Lbs.)
MusclesaF[eded: quadrlceps
Sit on the seat end position your feet under the pads on the leg developer. Keep your back straight. Roisethe leg developer unfityour legs ore straight. ReturnIo the start-
ing position.
12.HIP ABDUCTION (15-125 Lbs.)
Refer to adjustment 4 on page 9 of th;s owner's manual. Attach the strap to the low pultey station. Stand with your side toward the CROSS TRAINER e with one foot on the foot plate. In_ert your out_ide leg into the strap.Keep your back straight. Keep your leg strolghtand move it ta the side as far as possible.Retam to the starting
13.BICEPS CURL (15-125 Lbs.)
Muscles ot_ecl: biceps, brochloradlals
Refer ta odjustrnent4 on page 9 of'this owner's manual. Affoch the rower bar to the lowpulleystation.Standwithyour feet on the foot plate. Hold the rower bar with an underhond grip with your arms extended downGard. Keep your back straightand your elbows close ta ),our sides. Cud the rower bar up taward your chestas shown. Relum to the starting position.
14.TRICEPS EXTENSION (15-125 Lbs.)
Musclesa_ecl: triceps,brachloradlals
Refer to odiustment3 on page 8 of this owner'smanual. Attach the rower bar to the high pulley station. Sit on the seat, hold the rower bar obave your head and bend your elbows. Keep your back straight and your elbows in. Slowly straightenyour arms as shown. Relum to the starling position.
15.TRICEPS PRESS-DOWN (15-125 Lbs.)
Musclesaffecfed: triceps, brachloracllals
Refer to adjustment3 on page 8 ofthlsowner'smanual. Attach the rower bar ta the highpulleystation.StandwithyourfeetonthefootpIote.Holdtherowerbarwithon
overband grip with your hands at chestkwel. Keep your back straight and your
elbows dose to your sides. Presslho rower bar down untilyour arms are strolght.
Relum to I_ startingposition.